
What's the quickest way to learn a script for drama?

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Ive got a drama exam tomorrow and i dont know my lines! I need to know the quickest way to learn my lines by tonight!




  1. do what other people did (above me) and/or highlight each line in a different color. then they'll pop out in your head

  2. Take one scene at a time and write them out, working with the scenes you know worst first. You can also use flash cards with your cue lines. Repetition is the best, though.

  3. Definitely highlight your lines, maybe even rewrite them (that helps get them in your brain).  Try writing them in red, as your brain remembers that better.  Ask your parents or siblings to give you your cues after practicing by yourself for a bit.  Also, remember that what you say relates to your cue (probably).  So think what comes next in the script after that cue.  If you have to, ad-lib, although it should not be your first choice.  Break a leg!!

  4. when things that are said 6 times or more enter your long term memory, so, repeat each line 6 times or more!

    Also if someone is talking back to u in the script, record their lines and leave space for youself to say yours...

    But the key is to read a line 10-20 times and you'll get there.xx

  5. Yikes. Repeat the lines several times aloud, and then read them to yourself. If they're not already highlighted, do so. This helps keep your mental focus on those lines. Call up some cast mates and ask them to run lines with you, you can even do this with family members.

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