
What's the quickest way to learn how to swim?

by Guest31614  |  earlier

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OK i'm going on holiday soon and really wanna know how to swim so i can lounge around the pool allday. I'm 17 ans still don't know how to swim could you please help and give me some advice?




  1. Jump in a river -  I think you would lok lovely in something long and flowing.

  2. Get swimming lessons - it's dangerous doing it alone..

    Or get a family member or friend to help you..

  3. You can always get a friend to teach you how to swim but the techniques may not be accurate, and it would probably take several months to a year to be able to swim several laps of the pool. If you get a good coach, you may need just 8-12 sessions. There is a physical as well as a  psychological aspect to swimming, esp if the learner has a little phobia of water. The coach will also be able to assess which stye, front crawl or breast-stroke will suit you best. BTW, the goggle is an important safety device that one must wear when swimming. Once you have learnt two styles well, you may get addicted to this wonderful activity that you can enjoy for life. Cheers!

  4. jump in the deep end of the swimming pool... you'll drown but hey... you'll struggle to live ... so that will teach you how to swim :)


  5. Get somebody to help you like a family member or a friend or try and get some lessons down at your local swimming pool. Good Luck :D

  6. get swimming lessons or watch videos on youtube. hehe. but if u dun wanna do those. u should first learn how to float. search the net and js follow the instructions. after tht. the rest will be easy. do the freestyle first b4 doing the advance stuffs like butterfly. ^^

  7. jump off a boat in the middle of the ocean

  8. Hello,

    I am a self taught swimmer, and all it took would you believe was 3 consecutive visits to my local public pools. I did feel embarrassed at first because , I too, was 17 at the time, and I thought that not being able to swim at that age, especially being in Australia n all, was embarrassing haha. Well I'm 21 now and confident with my swimming.

    The first thing I tried to do was just learn to float and not to be afraid of the water. I'd go in the middle somewhere where i can stand up if i need to. Then id just lean forward or backward and let everything go. Soon I realised it doesnt take much to float.

    The next step, day 2, I thought id take it a bit further and start just kicking while in that floating position. Making sure my feet are kicking opposite orientation to the other (if one is going up the other is going down and so forth). I moved a little.

    The 3rd day I started using my arms, first of all just pushing myself underwater. I slowly raised my arms out and lifter my head a little so I can breath. My stronger right arm I used as the main thrust, going over my head and pushing the water. My left was simply the steer and it would only lift to the side. In no time I had the natural motion of a swimmer.

    Just remember two things. You CAN open ur eyes underwater. You CAN stand up when u run out of air. GOOD LUCK!

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