
What's the "GM"'s job in dungeons and dragons, and can the GM be a player too?

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What's the "GM"'s job in dungeons and dragons, and can the GM be a player too?




  1. I would like to add that GMing is tough.  GM must keep track of monster, Non player characters, storyline, pacing of the game.  Then track another character.  I would advise against it.

    GM playing a character(player) can also cause problems because the GM may play favorites to his character.  Like a GM having a girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband as a player.  Players can feel that there is a personal bias of the GM to a particular character, it can easily ruin the game for everyone.

    The GM might not feel that he or she is playing favorites, but if the players feel that the GM is, the group will die a quick death.

  2. The GM or DM (Dungeon Master) in D&D is the person who tells the story. They play all the monsters, NPCs (Non Player Characters), they make up the story as the players advance, doll out experience, etc...

    Basically the DM of a game IS the game. Playing a character as the DM would be kinda pointless, as you would know all the future events as you made them up yourself. You'd know what creatures and treasures were coming, as you made them up. Some people do play characters that help out the group of people playing, but not as a participating player character.

  3. The GM/DM is the one who runs the adventure so he/she really can't be a player since they would know the entire adventure and story. But being DM all the time isn't that fun when you want to play also and nobody else wan't to DM.

    What you could do if you want to play also (sort of) is create and run an NPC in the game that you control and join the party with helping out.  

  4. It's generally better not to GM and play at the same time, but it happens sometimes, usually when there are very few players and they need another person.  A better bet, though, is for a couple people to take turns GMing, so each can have a chance to play.

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