
What's the real reason why Russia doesn't want missile defense in Poland and Czechoslovakia?

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  1. I love the way that Russia threatening Poland is all America's fault and especially the evil Reagan and Bush Presidencies.  They don;t want it as stated above; regardless of whether or how effective it is it diminishes their "sphere of influence" and they are interested in re-establishing and expanding that sphere.

  2. Russia feels threathen that the US is not only entering the Russia sphere of influence but making it a part of there own. Russia doesn't want to be surronded by American allies.  

  3. All the real experts, the ones who have no reason to lie or to slant the truth, insist that missile defense can't really work.  We have known this for years, in fact there's never been a test of the system that succeeded without cheating.

    So if Republicans like both Presidents Bush -know- it won't work, why do they support it?  Because it is a cover for the weaponization of space.  For a few decades, ICBMs were what we were afraid of, but in most ways they are obsolete today.  You can see them coming a long way off, in fact you can see where they're headed just after they are launched.  You can launch retaliatory strikes before the enemy missiles even get here.

    So the next thing is nuclear weapons on satellites.  Why not?  We have thousands and thousands of them, we could put a few hundred on satellites that could strike in a minute or so.  We can even put multiple warheads on small, relatively cheap missiles that are fired from low orbit and wipe out whole regions, or at least threaten whole regions.  For a country like Russia, it's like having a gun pointed at their heads.

    I think it's been like this since the beginning.  Some people theorized that Ronald Reagan knew Star Wars would never work, that he only wanted them as a bargaining chip, the threat of missiles in space to frighten Gorbachev and get better terms in the SALT and START agreements.

  4. They like to invade those countries, they've done it so often they feel entitled to them.

  5. If we were to give Poland our current missile defense technology, then It would be another country close to russia that has modern military power.  Vladimir Putin doesn't like that very much, and it would royally p**s him off.  Enough Said!

  6. They dont want their missile's intercepted when they decide to attack poland or any other country in Europe. They want to be able to bully the countries that surround Russia.

  7. Because they feel like its an attempt to weaken their influence in the area by the west, just like Georgia wanting to join NATO. If that is the case, a war is inevitable.  

  8. I hadn't heard about Slovakia... but we all know the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic is to ward off the Imperialistic aspirations of Moscow.

  9. Because it undermines their authority and influence in the region.

    Quite obviously they have no intent to launch missiles there.  

  10. Because with Poland and Czech. now containing US military hardware, they have moved away from Russia, and towards the west. Russia feels as if it is loosing control of former soviet republics, and has to at least appear powerful.

    The 10 rocket interceptors in Poland could maybe stop 1-3 missiles---and Russia has thousands.

    The threats are all a face saving measure for Russia.

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