
What's the reason behind this scary realistic dream of my teeth falling out?

by Guest45182  |  earlier

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I'm 17. Monday--two nights ago--(the night before I went to the dentist), I had this really crazy dream where I went to bed with my retainer in, and when I woke up and took it off, I noticed one of my incisors was loose and about to fall out. In my dream I remembered that whenever an adult tooth is knocked out, you should hold it in the socket until you get to the dentist to try and save it somehow. Then that tooth fell out along with two others, and I picked them up and frantically put them back in their sockets to try and save them--I was freaking out!! (Mind you I can laugh about it now but this was REALLY SCARY in the dream!) Then I was in the dentist chair explaining this whole ordeal to the dentist while trying to keep my loose teeth in place (pretty funny picture), And then I woke up. Really weird, but really realistic and detailed somehow. And I can't believe I remembered that fact about keeping them in the sockets... Is that even true or did I dream that fact up too?




  1. Losing teeth is masturbation.

  2. this type of dream is real common. many people have it. it simply means that you are feeling vulnerable about yourself.

    remember the teeth ads on t.v. where everyone has the beautiful smiles and we are told that to be beautiful or handsome we must have that kind of smile. well in our dreams when we are feeling vulnerable our sub-conscious tells us that we don't have that kind of smile because we don't have teeth. remind yourself every day that you are a beautiful person in every way. make it your personal mantra. if you do this several times a day eventually you will believe it and the feeling of vulnerability will soon go away and so will your dream.

  3. I was told that this kind of dream comes when you are concerned about losing money.

  4. Christina C uncovers the meaning of one part of your dream which is indeed common. But like all the rest of the interpreters I have struck on this site, she misses the other aspect of our dreams, the one that Freud rightly emphasised; the sexual meaning of our dreams. I have discovered long ago that one and the same plot of a dream has two sides to it: 1.our non-sexual concerns like the ones Christina mentioned, 2. the sexual concerns, the ones Freud emphasised.

    Ask yourself what feeling vulnerable is really all about. Can it be just about looking good for its own sake? Hardly! Part of looking good is a need to appeal to our fellow humans. And what is the concern about appeal if it is not about s*x-appeal?

    Go back to the TV ads Christina is talking about. Do they not suggest that if you have gleaming teeth you are more likely to attract a sexual partner? Yes, you know, that is what it is all about. Freud was right, s*x underlies all our concerns, no matter how 'innocent' they may look on the surface.

    Whether keeping an adult tooth in its socket will save it or not is beyond my medical knowledge. But what it symbolises on the other hand in the sexual sphere is very much within my domain. And I am sure it is also within yours if you look at its symbolism more closely: imitating sexual interaction?

    I have observed yet another item that no-one has seen or will acknowledge: Whenever we dream of using our HANDS in our dreams to manipulate something it is about masturbation or foreplay. When you remember how sexual our teeth are (just recall love bites) handling teeth in any way whatever means just that. Thus teeth falling out represent an o****m.

    Your panic about it all is natural since masturbation is socially taboo. It creates unbelievable emotional apprehension and fear. Why such a God-given thrill should upset our western society is easily explained in the context of the teaching of certain churches. Their Christian ideal of refraining from masturbation has much to answer for since sexual repression brings out the worst in us humans. Abuse of children by the very churchmen who say self-pleasuring is bad, is only one of the items that make a mockery of their ideal.

    Compare their view with the view of our ancient forebears which is revealed when we follow the etymology of the word CLITORIS for instance: It is derived from the Greek word "KLEITORIS", which when translated means "DIVINE, FAMOUS, and GODDESS-LIKE".

    If you wish to read more about this ancient perception of things read my article on the web called s*x and Sustenance.

    PS. I have to rectify something: by the time I answered your question another respondent came in before me and lo and behold he had it right, he said what I had not struck before on this site.

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