
What's the recipe for...?

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What do you think is he recipe for disaster?

How about the recipe for [you]?




  1. disaster:

    5 parts hate

    4 parts intolerance

    4 parts ignorance

    3 parts fear

    3 parts misunderstanding


    5 parts creativity

    4 parts sweetness

    3 parts confusion

    2 parts nerdiness

  2. A lack of faith and a world tolerant of hate are recipes for disaster. A  good recipe for life includes faith, hope and love.

  3. The road to disaster has multiple paths.  One way is a lack of education.  Another is to only go on the advice of others.  Personally, I have avoided much disaster in my own life by paying attention to mistakes of  fools who have walked the path without learning anything.

  4. The recipe for disaster?  Hate + stress + intolerance + being unprepared.  Stir in too little sleep, too much work, economic hardships, relationship problems and top it all off with a little self-pity.   I believe the recipe is called politics.

  5. disaster:

    One part humanity

    three parts greed

    two parts Stupidity

    Mix, stir and serve

    me: one part humane

    one part logic

    two parts sweetness

    three parts intelligence

    two parts intuitive

    add one part kinertic energy,

    one part hyperactivity and four parts creavity

    stir, pour over ice cream,and serve

    Must be kept fresh, refrigerate leftovers!

  6. Ask Bush

  7. disaster: mix twelve parts alcohol with one part automobile

    me: mix two parts frustration with three parts compassion, four parts vain striving, three gallons of sweat, blood, and tears, one part intelligence, and one part folly.  Stir constantly for 53 years and check the expiration date, then pour it all down the drain...

  8. Recipe for Disaster:

    1. Humanity

    2. A location

    3. Time


    1. Skepticism

    2. Logic

    3. Self Reliance

    4. Wit

    5. Pinch of insanity

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