
What's the religion in Russia?

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What's the religion in Russia?




  1. Eastern Orthodox. Of course there are other religious minorities co-existing with the Eastern Orthodox majority: Judaism, Muslims, Catholics, even Hindu etc. In general Eastern Europian countries were secular during the years of the socialism, therefore you would find that now a lot of younger people are "fashionably religious" - they attend mass only on Easter and Christmas, but do not remember about it through the rest of the year. Of course there are also a lot of young people who are genuinely religious. Overall I think Eastern Europian countries are one of the most tolerant countries when it comes to religious differences, because for so many years the countries were atheistic/secular.

  2. traditionally most Russians belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church, although there were minority religions such as Judaism and others

    under communism Russia was Atheist (officially)

  3. orthodox like greeks

  4. Orthodox Christianity. It is taken from the ancient Byzantium. But there is 5% Muslims and under 1% Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.

  5. Russian Orthodox or Eastern Orthodox, same thing different name.

    That's the main religion, other religions are tiny and are not excercised as openly, simply because they don't have the man power, cuz really who needs a temple when there are only like 5 followers in a city.

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