I assure you that this is not a rant against flight attendants. I know they have very difficult jobs and deal with irrate people all day long. However, I have had situations where one will continually interupt me asking a question because she thought she knew what I was going to ask. I literally had to try to ask my question about six times before she would let me get through it. Another insisted I was putting in my son's car seat wrong until an older flight attendand assured her that I was doing it right. There are other examples, but you get the picture.
Ours is a military family so we have to fly a lot and thank goodness for all of the amazing flight attendants that have had the pleasure of having. But how do I handle those won't let me speak? Or what should I have said to the one about the car seat? I won't put his seat in wrong and endanger my son because she doesn't know better. Any suggestions?
Please spare me the lectures. Like I said, the vast majority are great.