
What's the rudest thing your spouse/SO/parent has done to you in a while?

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Saturday was Alabama's first football game (which ROCKED btw!) My MIL called. My husband is sitting in the recliner playing some PC game because he couldn't bare to admit that Bama was actually playing well. He says all of 10 words to her before this came out of his mouth:

"Ma...MA! You want to talk to Crysti? She's sitting right here."

I love my MIL, honest, I do. She can talk, though. I was on the phone for 45 minutes with her during the first game of the season for my favorite football team since I was like 5 and they are playing better than they have since Gene Stallings left and my husband is sitting in the recliner NOW snoring after my 45 minute conversation with his mom. When I hung up, I threw the phone at him (playfully...sorta). Thank goodness I have DVR. I ♡ DVR. BTW. It is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.




  1. He is just plain rude altogether lately.  Don't know what his d@mn problem is. That man is really pi$$ing me off lately.  He actually accused me of losing my money at the casino.  It was a Sunday, I was with the kids.  Haven't been to the casino since way before I got that check cashed.

  2. SO and I took the train home from school the other day, and it takes about 45 minutes to get from the city out to where we live via train. Both of us had a long day; 4 hour long critiques in each of our classes, no lunch, and he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. I got out of class early, but stuck around for 3 hours to wait for him to get out, because I knew he wanted to take the train together.

    Usually his brother picks him up from the train station, but since he was with me I offered drove him home (my car parked at the station obviously) (his home is about a half hour out of the way for me, keep that in mind).

    We get off the train, and start walking to the car and he says "which lot did you park in?" I tell him I parked in the last lot and he threw a royal fit in the middle of the station with about 80 other people around!

    "You mean I have to walk more-or-less twenty minutes to YOUR car? Why the h**l would you park allll the way out there? WTF were you thinking?"

    -The other lots are jammed in the morning. I didn't have a choice!

    -It's a one minute walk, IF that!

    -Never said thanks for the ride, or the offer. Just started carrying on about how inconvenient it was that he had to walk the one minute walk from the station, across the lot, to the car.

    I told him he could walk home!

  3. Take it from my experience.  You can cut that in the bud anytime you want.  Say, "I am sorry, but I am really busy now.  I will call you later."  If they don't ring off.  You do.  Honey, No harm, no foul.  Do not let her control you.  In that situation because you were so nice, you allowed her to control you.  Nip it.  And it works....LOL.......

  4. me and my hubby had one of his friends over for dinner and I opened up the bottle of wine. Well my hubby grabbed two wine glasses and poured for him and his friend and then they both took a sip. I just glared at him like "what am I chopped liver" Later he said it was because of his "short attention span ADD problems"

    yeah right...

  5. We have a closet next to the bathroom that he fits in...oh so well (I might add)

    SO he decided that he would hid in there and scare me...nope, I punched him when he jumped out!!!

  6. He gave me divorce without any reason

  7. Apart from not celebrating my 1 wedding anniversary and having my husband say its my fault he didnt want to. Nope.

  8. My father is a rude, hateful man. Anytime I talk to him he is rude and sarcastic.

  9. I would have been really mad if that happened to me!!

    Last week my Fiance thought that it would be funny to take the towels and EVERYTHING out of the bathroom while I was in the shower (I thought he was brushing his teeth and and shaving) I was a bit mad when he did it, but It wasnt a big deal, so I got out (soaking wet) and was going to find him and give him a big hug because he was all ready to go out...(it would have annoyed him)

    Halfway down the hall, I see his group of friends staring at me, apparently they decided to show up unexpected!

    I was horrified...but I think he was more upset about it than me!

  10. My husband invited my in-laws to watch Borat with us. They are church people. It was just awful and he wouldn't turn it off. ROLL TIDE

  11. My wife had an affair.  That was pretty damned rude.

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