
What's the scariest moment you've ever had whilst?

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Driving or being a passenger in a car?




  1. when I was younger I was driving to work in the snow & I slid from the exit ramp onto the street..I wound up facing the wrong way & there was a plow truck coming right for me! I had to quickly cut the wheel and spin the car around..I finally made it into work & my boss had the nerve to yell at me for being late!

  2. When I see a driver, who uses a word "whilst," I get really scared...

  3. the scariesat moment actually belive it or not was when i got pulled over for the first time

  4. Driving highway 9 in Calif chasing a Porsche in a 1965 Ford Custom and going around a turn. Only to find my brakes were over heated. Needless to say I could not keep it in my lane! At the same time a Cadillac came around the turn on the center line too, and it was coming my way! Head on's are not pretty!

    We avoided the collision and did not go over the Cliff on the side of the road. Pine cones, rocks and such were flying all  through the air. I can still see that retaining wall when I close my eyes.

    From then on I drive in such a way that I stay on my own side of the road. If I have to cross the center line - then I am going too fast!

    I hate drum brakes!

  5. I rode with my 93 year old Mother once.  Phew!!! That was one to remember!!

    By the way,  Just where in the HECK did you find the word "whilst"?  'Last time I heard that was in Grover Cleveland's inauguration speech!

  6. I've been in a couple of accidents but when i was a passenger and a lorry ploughed into our side.

  7. when my mom is driving on an icy road.  she can be a maniac i tell ya...

  8. I'm like a previous poster that said when he sees a driver, who uses a word "whilst," I get really scared. [You're British, huh?]

    Aside from that, once I was driving in the snow in Denver, and spun out of control on a downhill. Somehow I ended up in someone's driveway with a ditch on either side, pointed towards the street.

  9. I drove me and my dad up to a chip shop at the top of a hill near us. I waited in the driving seat and watched the cars go past, I saw a landrover go up this steep junction and saw the wheels slip ever so slightly. I was a bit concerned by this. My dad came back with the food and I drove on forgetting about what happened earlier, I felt it slipping a bit and hoped that I would not have to hill start here, but guess what? I did. So I tried to move off but the more gas and more bite I gave it the more it slid, so I stopped, floored it and dropped the clutch in at about 3000rpm, there was so much screeching and wheel spin but eventually made it up. I still don't know what was causing it to slip maybe some oil or diesel on the road I don't know.

  10. I think when I was driving through San Francisco on Market Street a few years ago and a shot ran tough my car shattering the front and back windshield.  That was an interesting rest of the night.  Didn't even make the news.

    When SF's handgun ban is gone, I'm sure young turks like that will think again before shooting knowing returned fire will be more likely.

  11. Hi!

    Everytime I go in a car with my father-in-law!!

    He's in his mid 70s and used to be a HGV driver and thinks he can still drive his little Honda like an articulated lorry!!

    Gives me the heebee geebees every time!!


  12. My  scariest moment was when another car went the wrong way round the roundabout, causing me to take very drastic action. very scary, good job i was awake and alert, or this could have been a very different story.

  13. 1. At twilight, having a vehicle coming at me head-on and his headlights were off . Definite attention getter.

    2. Blowing a rear tire on my Mustang with my brother and sister on board while doing about 70 in CO.

    3. Having the engine quit on my shuttle van while going downhill with 2 passengers on board (no assisted steering)

  14. i have scary moments everyday when i drive, here in northern california asian people do not know how to drive they either go to slow or change lanes without looking

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