
What's the scariest most uncanny experience u've ever had duing a OUIJA board session??

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would you ever play it again??




  1. I use to play with them at birthday party sleep overs as a kid and i can honestly say nothing ever happen we made the bored move and we scared ourselves silly.  I personally don't be live in them but I do know people who do., I am not one to judge all believe different and that is OK with me I think they work for people who believe and don't for who don't. so if your having experiences with them then trust your own feelings and go with it.  Your feelings are the best judge of what is going on around you.

  2. Sorry i dont have one, but my friend once told me:

    "So the glass started darting around, we asked more deeper questions, the movement became more intense, as we asked the final one, the glass simple flew upward into the ceiling imploding upon impact...I'll never do OUIJA again!"

    but i dont believe him.

  3. Yes, and I have an Ouija board from the 1950's. I lived in a house that was 125 years old and we had a friendly resident spirit but strange things would happen from time to time and it would be scary. On one seance session with our Ouija board we got our spirit active and I had to put the board away for fear of making the spirit mad at us.

  4. How about lights flickering and going out on you? We ran out of the place like animals (on all fours). N-E-V-E-R AGAIN!

    TO PETER D.: You obviously have never had the experience me and my 3 friends had! I've also heard that using candles as a source of light during sessions with a group isn't recommended. Then again, it probably depends on the origin/age of the board and where you are having the experience.

  5. When it didn't work!

    Because we had no idea what it was supposed to do.  So we played monopoly instead.

    Turns out it's all in your head - look up the ideomotor effect.  Apparently, you're freaking yourself out.

    It's just a piece of cardboard.

  6. I had the sweetest dog growing up, the nicest doofiest lab I've ever met. He never growled or did anything nasty.

    During a game of ouija, a bunch of friends and I were getting some strange answers, negative answers, mostly directed towards my friend Billy.  After a particularly eerie question, we asked for a sign, and my dog woke from a deep sleep and bit into his arm so bad that he needed stitches.

    It was the most bizarre situation and the last time I played. We were all visibly shaken, but I don't necessarily think its the board... I just think you are what you think and we created this bizarre situation.. who knows.

  7. First of all, Ouija boards are just games.  They are not portals to the special place spirits dwell.  Using one will not invite evil demons into your home.  If you are highly superstitious, have a very active imagination and are inclined to be easily influenced by the hysteria of others then perhaps you shouldn't play with a Ouija board.  It might make you think bad things are happening.  And when something bad happens you'll be more likely to blame it on the evil spirits you dragged from their slumber that one night you played with a board game.

    I used to play with it when I was a kid.  Not knowing any better, I was a true believer at the time.  While playing with it, the "spirit" told us something only I knew.  That means I was the one who was moving the planchette.  However, I *know* I wasn't moving it, meaning I was moving it but only subconsciously.  This is a phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect.  Look into it.

    Just because the Ouija board isn't paranormal doesn't mean you can't have fun with it.  Check out the links for a quick education on how a Ouija board works.

  8. I will only tell you once do not underestimate the power this object has it can cause evil to you and your family like it did mine! we had to move out of our home in montana,we later found out that the home was built on a old indian burial ground in 1874. please beware there are things which I will not speak of in fear of what I try to forget!!

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