
What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

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Any ghosts or whatever..

Do share your stories xP

Thankyou! x*x




  1. The scariest thing I have ever seen was my twin sister in the car behind us going 110 lost control, flipped 6 times, went down a hill, landed in someones yard.....I couldn't stop screaming....

    She got out of the car without so much as even a scratch, but the ambulance made her go to the hospital anyways because she was only 17.

  2. actually, the scariest thing i've seen was a photo of a woman's breast that was infested with maggots and there were holes etc around the areola! And she wasn't dead. It grossed me out and I had nightmares about my b*****s having those things. Don't know if the the photo was real but there was a story about where she went to some country and had worn her clothes for days and used water that apparently had parasites. Her b*****s started to hurt and she but a bandage on it to keep it from moving too much...when she removed the bandage thats what was there. Real or not...d**n stuff still gets too me! eww....shiver...

  3. I saw a dead friend.

    It permanetly haunts me. He died about 2 months ago and he was a very close friend who commited suiside, I don't want to go into the whole story but I miss him alot.

    It was a few days ago I swear I saw him in town, I ran over but he just ignored me.... was I seeing things?

    And last night, I saw him in my bedroom just looking at me and smiling... I know he's dead but it scared me because it felt so real.

    Im 14.


  4. Yo Momma!

  5. Well the scariest thing I have ever done is to move out an live on my own after a longterm relationship broke up.  I was so used to having someone else deal with the bills etc that the thought of having to survive on my own was terrifying.  I have learnt from this though.  Now if I ever get into a longterm relationship again I will make sure I keep my independence.

  6. Evil, dark, furious, and hungry dragons. They were stalking me all my life. I didn't know about them until I was away from home in 1995. My new friends told me about them and help me defeat them. I haven't seen them since.

    To Chloe: It's most likely that your friend is trying to say to you:

    all is well, I am happy and always with you.  

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