
What's the secret of top players?

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Using sharkscope, I've checked on the records of many of the top online poker players. Almost all of them had a learning period where they lost for a long period of time, and then suddenly their earnings skyrocketted. I've talked to a couple people and they couldn't tell me what happened. Most of the top players have a very steady increase in earnings with few if any long-term downturns.

What did they learn to turn their game around?




  1. There is no real secret to top players apart from sheer luck.  You just read of the players who win big and never read of those who loose big.

    The most important thing when gambling no matter what is


  2. First, I would not depend too much on sharkscope, it does identify some of the top players, but below that level it is not that reliable. Many players play under many different accounts and names.

    One of the ways that top players improve their game is disciplined play. Experience is the best teacher, patience is very important, along with starting hand selection. As they play more and more, they learn more and more about what to do during the many variables of play of Texas Holdem.

    Here is a link to a lot of FREE strategy pages:

    I play mostly tournaments and there is a strategy that will provide a winning edge in both discipline and hand selection.

    It is called the Texas Holdem Dynamic Point Count Super Strategy. Check it out here:

  3. A poker face and an intimidating manner.

  4. To a person, nearly every top poker player will tell you discipline.  The biggest mistake rookies and even intermediate players make is chasing too much.  The best know when to fold, even when they have a good hand.

  5. What you may be seeing is a bankroll issue. Many of these people probably deposited a small amount of money, and were playing super tight because they did not want to have to deposit again. They may have always had the ability to win, but they were strangling themselves playing underfunded, and could not play well enough to win. At some point, they probably won some money and weren't so scared of losing all their money anymore, so they were able to be more aggressive play a more effective game.

    That's just a guess though. You may just be seeing the point where their game came together. They could have been learning the whole time, and just finally put it together well enough to win. Or, they may have been playing ring games between stints of SNGs, and just got to the point where they could win at those tables and decided to go back to the SNGs.

    Anyway, there is no magic secret to winning at poker. You have to start with books and other resources to learn the best ways to play, then go to the tables and learn to apply all that theory correctly by playing thousands of hands of poker.

  6. If I could answer that question, I'd be making the money they make!

    I don't think there is a quantifiable secret that you could provide in a short Yahoo! Answers answer.

    I think that experience, practice, patience, and study eventually pay off.  Most poker players read a book, forget most of it, lack focus and concentration, watch a bit of poker on TV now and then, don't practice enough, and then expect to win big.  That's why they never become successful.

  7. They learn to react good even when they lose. Always think what's the best way to play this hand. They learn to not lose their nervers.

    You can also read some poker tips at

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