
What 's the secret ???

by Guest60479  |  earlier

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Plz help me with this :

I have a girl in my class ; She is ranked as the best student of the class & the most intelligent one too ; This girl seems always happy ; i have never ever seen her eyebrows make a frown ; She seems to be always happy ; She doesnt looks like she is worried about her studies ; but still she is always at the top ; I m not jealous or something ; Anyways this girl once told to somebody that she didn't went to worship place today , So her day is not good today ; So Can that be the secret ;whats the reason behind her intelligence??

Plz help me crack the puzzle ; Your help will be much admired




  1. I would think she focuses on strengths, not weaknesses. Positives, not negatives. Please google a short piece called Desiderata. When you have read it I feel sure you will understand the young lady in question a lot better & also discover how you can get to where she is, assuming you want to. Best wishes. UK

  2. The Secret is that happiness is a choice. She chooses to be happy everyday even if shes having a bad day. When your happy everything you do goes up. Self Esteem, Grades, Looks. Try to be happy no matter what happens one day and see what happenes

  3. Maybe she reads and has proper grammar.
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