
What's the secret to being popular?

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My grandma says 'Good manners never go out of style'. I think so too. Is that part of the secret?




  1. In western society, being whatever everyone wants you to be (i.e. not being your true self).

  2. Yes, good manners are important.  

    And being generally nice to people will soon help you make new friends.  Be nice to people, talk nicely about people and they will do the same to you.

  3. wear hollister, be hot, make fun of unpopluar people. basicly be a major %!@&*

  4. This really doesn't belong in the etiquette section.

    Are we talking about in school?

    In the schools I've attended, the popular people tend to be/have at least one of several things

    1. Rich

    2. Beautiful/Handsome

    3. An outstanding personality

    4. A hilarious personality

    5. Intelligence

    Good manners don't ever go out of style, but good manners don't make someone popular with other kids.  Kids with good manners are not always smiled upon from popular kids.

  5. Do what them other girls won't do, like volunteer at the church supper!

  6. Hello,  Popularity ! if you a the biggest crook or a heavenly  angle. Depends on the magnetic field your body radiates, to attract those who can feel it and are drawn to you. Being comfortably in  others "space" and them in yours, will bond friendship and popularity. So answering for myself there's no secret, as it all comes down to Mother nature and the power of the universe.

  7. Being yourself. That's the best thing you can do!

  8. be your self !!! being natural ,artless,makes people trust u ,they know how u are and feel comfortable with u.

    ever noticed how some people can be absolutely outrageous ,and get away with it ? it's because it's in their nature .some one else doing the same thing ,because they imitate and aren't acting natural,get into trouble. so , my answer :

    be your best positive,SELF.

  9. The real secret to being popular is to be totally insecure. All super popular people have so many insecurities because they always need to be liked and accepted whereas people who don't give a F%*^ really don't care.  

  10. - self-confidence

    - be someone others want to be around. people are attracted to funny people, or people that make them feel good, or people that make things entertaining.  the term popular just means that you have a bunch of friends -- plenty of people will want to be your friend if you're just one of those people others enjoy being around. :)

  11. Practice being yourself & having a great personality.

    Be a friend to all & never partake in gossip.

    Your grandma is so right. Good manners rule.

    Relax and enjoy your youth.

    Demand respect & you'll be an all around winner.

    Don't hang with the losers, the ones that are going nowhere in life.

    Good luck to you & Blessings. ~~~~~

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