
What's the secret to sucess in life?

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What's the secret to sucess in life?




  1. The secret is known as" Balance".

    "One must become balanced in all things, for it is balance that will eventually lead a human being to success in their life."

  2. thinking you are successful all the time.

  3. No secret really.  Write a list of all the things you want to accomplish, if anything.  Then write out steps needed to realize each goal.  Then do it.

  4. "Eighty percent of success is showing up".   -- Woody Allen.

  5. Being happy with what you've got.  

  6. Authenticity.

  7. Most often, the secret seems to be starting off closer to the goal.  It's not fair, but that's life.

  8. Keep at your goals. Dont look at things you want as possibilities but as something you will strive to accomplish. Be smart and research anything and everything. Stay positive and trust no one.

  9. Sincerity  , once you can fake that you have got it made.

  10. Everyone has a different opinion of success. for some its having lots of money. for me its being happy and having family and friends that care about me and having enough to get everything i need everything else comes second. I'm not wealthy by any means but i consider my life to be rich.

  11. Have greater respect towards your pay check. Don't make the rich richer by spending your paycheck before you have it. Don't live life with your income 18% in the hole because of credit card debt. make your money work for you instead of you having to work for your money only to hand it over because of debt.

  12. doing what you love to do  

  13. Define what you consider success to be.  Do it.


  14. Vision.  Daydream your dreams everyday until you can see yourself there.  Then it is just a matter of time.

  15. Realizing you've already succeeded :)

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