
What's the shape of a football ?a sphere or circle?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It is technically an elipse, not a sphere or a circle.

  2. A sphere

    A circle is a two dimensional (flat) shape.

    A rugby football is an ovoid - as is an American Football football.

  3. is a sphere as it is 3D and a circle is 2D

    even my grade 3 kids know that

  4. Its round

  5. oval shaped sphere

  6. Football (soccer) - a sphere

    Aussie Rules/Rugby - an oval shaped ball

  7. definitely not a circle, which is 2-dimensional, it's designed to be a sphere, but it is never exactly so because the air pressure is always changing and it's made of bits of leather sewn together, so it's an imperfect sphere, though the sports kit manufacturers are always trying to make them more spherical.

  8. sphere is a 3D circle. In real, football is sphere. However, if there is picture of football on paper, it is circle

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