
What's the silliest thing you were told as a child?

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Mine was that gas storage containers were giant lollipops (in the UK they look a bit like lollies) which shrunk as people sucked them lol. Or barbie dolls hair grows back-I regretted believing this after I cut the hair off lol




  1. mine was if u pull a funny face and the wind changes your face will stay like that...infact i still believe it now lol

  2. To trust the government

  3. i remember asking my mom why men sit with their legs apart all the time, and then she said because their balls will be crushed..haha

  4. Santa claus was real :(

  5. There is a huge factory a few miles from where i grew up, it always has lots of white smoke coming out of the chimneys.

    I was told thats where they made clouds! when i go past it now, it always puts a smile on my face!

  6. if i eat the seeds in fruits, like apples then a tree will grow inside me,

    i m still waiting

  7. picking your nose makes it grow!

  8. thats funny. mines is that if u don't do well at school u'll become a rubbish man straightaway

  9. My mum used to tell me if I was naughty that a man in a white coat would come to sew my eyes up with green cotton.

    I was also told if I picked a Dandelion I would wet the bed.

    And when I was about 4, my friend had a sister who was in the last year of juniors and was doing s*x education - and she showed off telling me "my sister said THAT is called a magina".  And I thought I was so cool knowing that.

    Oh, and thanks to the girl who just told me about the ladybirds spots not meaning how old they are - I'm 24 and I thought that was true.

  10. That if you said a swear word GOD PUT A BLACK MARK ON YOUR SOUL!?!  And if you'd too many when you died you'd go straight to h**l.

    Thanks mum :)


  11. that salami is made from baby donkey (my dad) and that the raisins in scotch pancakes are turtle poo (also my dad)

    i believed the baby donkey one for years!

  12. that tufty was real and i invited him to tea one sat afternoon, and my mum made me sit at the window all day waiting on him,lol im mentally scarred by that!!  (im still waiting on him) 28 year later

  13. That my finger would fall off if I picked my nose.

  14. God exists.

  15. That clouds are actually where cotton candy comes from..

    looking at clouds still gives me a sweet tooth....!

  16. That if I slept close to a woman at night, and our night-sweats get mixed.....WOW! She'll get pregnant!....d**n!

  17. I was often told by my mum to wipe the silly smile off my face or she would do it for me.....huh?

  18. My mum told me that every time I told a lie a red light would appear on my forehead....I tried to tell lies at the mirror and wait for the never happened.....(wonder why)

  19. dont pick your nose,your brain will fall out

    and money grows on trees

  20. That eating the skin of a cucumber would kill you. That if you were on your period to not sit in a bath tub filled with water to bath that it would kill you. I was told you had to stand up in the water.

  21. If I swallowed chewing gum my bones would stick together and

    if I picked my nose and pulled the wrong string my eyeball would fall out

  22. If you swallow an apple pip a tree will grow inside you!

  23. My parents used to have a Bang & Olufsen TV which had a high-gloss black surround around the screen.  I was told that this was an electric field that would hurt me if I touched it.

    The problem is, I believed that until I was at least eight!

    Aah... simple things!

  24. I would have to say , DON'T SHAVE YOUR FACE, IT WILL MAKE YOU GROW HAIR!

  25. When I was on my swing set with my friend Kevin (we were both 5) and he announced "when you're 100, you die."

    I remember thinking "95 years to go."

  26. Mine was that if I ate fish I would be able to swim and broccoli would make me grow-up big and strong like a tree!

  27. Probably to stop pulling faces because the wind could change and it would be stuck like that!

  28. When I asked my mom something that she doesn't know, she will say in an impatient and irritable manner :  " If you don't understand, don't ask ! "

  29. I was told that if you swallowed any pips from the fruit they would grow inside your tummy.  I always had an image of an apple tree growing in my tummy lol

  30. some silly mug told me about some wee boy who had a beanstalk and he climed way up to the clouds to get some swag for his mum from a giant.I still dont know if that tale is true or not.

  31. tat i ll become a doctor one day  :-)

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