
What's the solution to the fact that there are people who really need government aid and there are those?

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that are just living off the government as much as they can? Get rid of all aid? Stricter qualifications? Rework the system in some way? How can we know?




  1. Help is not being given in the right places, that's for sure. For example, college students. They give us aid in the school times, and that's nice because we don't have to work so much, but then the summer comes and we don't get aid. That seems alright, right? Well, throw in the fact that the college student demographic literally cannot find jobs this summer. Not all of us have mommy and daddy to help us, so what do we do? There is nowhere for us to live cheaply because the only cheap housing goes to senior citizens. We could work three part time jobs, but they aren't availible, and on top of that, how are we supposed to do well in school when we are constantly worried about our expenses and working all the time? WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO LIVE? Dorms aren't open all summer.

    And then you have the Mexican women with thirteen kids just feeding off of government checks.

    And you have the illegal immigrants taking all of our jobs away. Literally.

    There is homelessness and starvation going on right now, LITERALLY. This stuff isn't just happening to a couple of people right now. The news is totally treating this "recession" as if it deserves the little quotation marks. THIS IS A RECESSION. No quotation marks. The full blown job. Soon it will be a depression, and the government doesn't give a ****.

    So, the answer to your question is this:

    There is no answer. There will always be people who can take terrible advantage of it, and then there will be people like me who need the money and can't get jack ****. No job. No aid. Nothing. Paycheck to paycheck and crying every night.

    College is the best time of my life!

  2. they should drug test them all as long as there on government aid.

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