
What's the source of quote: "In the Middle East there can be no war without Egypt and no peace without Syria"?

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That may not be the exact quote, but that's the gist of it. I've heard it was Henry Kissinger but that may be wrong. Does anyone know the source of this quote (ie where it can be verified)?




  1. its not a quote its an opinion. i googled it. if you have any more troubles just GOOGLE it.=)

  2. The quote appears in a variety of forms most commonly:  "No war is possible without Egypt and no peace is possible without Syria"; "You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria."  It is most often attributed to Henry A. Kissinger, and dated during the late 1970s or early 1980s in commentary about the turmoil in the Middle East.

    Please see:

    "A missed chance for peace: Israel and Syria's negotiations over the Golan heights,"Daoudy, Marwa at

    Although two internet sites attribute the quotation to Robert F. Kennedy, I have read and listened often to Dr. Kissinger; and in my view, the opinion and syntax seem to match Dr. Kissinger's other statements and style more closely than those of Robert Kennedy.  Moreover, Robert Kennedy's murder occurred in 1968; and while that would not preclude his having made the observation, it lends some additional credence to the view that the author is Dr. Kissinger.

    [Internet sites attributing the quote to Robert Kennedy:    ]

  3. i would like to know who said it 2, bec he is an idiot! may be he should clarify his point ,,, i guess he means that since egypt is a one of the strongest arab countries it is nessary for war but still his qoute is very vague

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