
What's the story behind russian-georgian war?

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Why did russia invade georgia?




  1. Georgia attacked first.  Russia is only defending itself.  Georgia is following the orders of their Zionist masters (Israel, USA, Britain), trying to start WWIII.

  2. ossetia is apart of georgia and ossetia wanted to be an independant place but georgia got mad and started a war but russia always wanted to conquer ossetia so russia came in  

  3. It's the same as the neighbourhood bully throwing his weight about because he wants attention.

  4. Georgia launched a major offensive to take South Ossentia. Georgia was the aggressor. You might want to read about what the president had done to political protesters just before their attack.  He now has new war powers...  

  5. quite simply, in the early nineties Georgia seperated from the USSR. The region known as Osettia was divided (into North and South), with the Northern portion remaining under Soviet (now Russian) control, with the Southern Portion belonging to Georgia.  Approx. 1992, South Osettia declared itself as seperating from Georgia, resulting in skirmishes in the area.  South Osettia has not been internationally recognized as sovereign.

    Fast Fwd to this past week--

    S. Osettia once again attempted to assert its identity as seperate from Georgia as well as its desire to join the Russian Federation, thus reunifiying the North and South regions of Osetta.  Georgia attempted to act in order to quell an act they consider rebellion, which lead to interdiction by Russian armor and aviation forces.

    This is a very brief summary.  I encourage you to look around online and find more, lest you be wrongly informed by the ignorant fellow before me blaming Zionists and the like which have NOTHING to do with these former members of the Soviet Bloc

  6. South Ossetia voted to secede from Georgia. Georgia and Russia agreed to allow Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia. On August 8, Georgia attacked South Ossetia, killing 10 Russian peacekeepers and 1000 South Ossetian civilians. Russia retaliated.

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