
What's the story behind your username?

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Ok, some interesting names here, so whats the story? what made u choose it?

Mine is simply saying hello!! stranger.. since i don't know u.. :p




  1. I love kittens and im a bit cheeky lol, having a baby girl inshaAllah. x*x

  2. its just my name.

  3. Heba is my name


    I walk a lonely road

    The only one that I have ever known

    Don't know where it goes

    But it's home to me and I walk alone

    I walk this empty street

    On the boulevard of broken dreams

    Where the city sleeps

    And I'm the only one and I walk alone

    I walk alone

    I walk alone

    I walk alone

    I walk alone

  4. Sami is my name and sarwari is an Silsela of Aulliya karam,  

    Like soharwardi,Qadari, ETC

    On earth every rarely this silsela has come, where it came gave big names as hazrat Data gunj bhaks, Hazrat Ghuos e Azam  etc.

    I got this name from HAZRAT BABA JANI SARKAR

  5. When I signed on my user name came up as Ray P.... since I really don't like the idea of rape for a name ... I just turned it around . Now i'm Pyar on line

  6. I have sideburns and a goatee that makes me look like Wolverine from X-men LOL.

    Unreal is a game I used to play in school.

  7. UmHuda is my kunya.  My eldest daughter is named Huda and in real life i am referred to by many people as UmHuda so it was easy for me to pick this user name.  

  8. well nothing really

    i just like pari meaning angel

    so i just decided to put it as that

    first it was Nida

    then ppl thought i was some "nida" that they know

    (my mother told me of the name Nida)

    then it was Pari

    and know it is Pari (angel)...4 U

  9. Well...I was parents gave me a I use it on Y!A. Simple.

  10. I like the nickname 'pinky' so I've been using that.  Malyshka means baby in Russian.

  11. My nombre es Amal, Y mi otro nobre es Amallay porque cuando mi familia quieren algo, ellos me llama Amallay

    Si...My name is Amal, and my other name is Amallay because when my family wants something they call me Amallay.

  12. I joined Ramadan section when I was living in Finland

    I expected that I'll get a lot of insults since people do this with me all the time because they can not prove me wrong

    Sina in Finnish means "You"

    I thought it's a good name since every time some1 insults me he/she will insult himself/herself

  13. lol amallay's become spanish

    mine's my name with a lil <3 heart thingy next to it lol

  14. I'm a Niqaabi but I use the term NInja to lighten it up since some assume the worst! Oh and I have a imaginary Duck she comes alive just on Yahoo Answers, at the moment she is taking a break though, I will introduce you soon ;)

  15. i strongly believe in peace, and 9 is my favorite number

  16. none

  17. Several years ago, an American was slaughtered in Iraq and its video was released on the net.

    In response, another American wrote a protest letter to the Muslim groups that got routed to me. His letter was not very bad, but full of grievance. I responded to him very elaborately, showing him some other side of the pic as well e.g. such protests do not come from Americans when they bomb poor countries and kill several people and the same does not come when Israel does it. On the other hand you are protesting on just one American that got killed. And you want us to come out on the streets. Why??, when you don't do the same for us?? etc.

    It happened that, perhaps I was the ONLY one who had responded to him. He was quite moved by my response. As a result he made a discussion group between Israeli Jews and the Muslims for a dialogue for resolution. And he wanted to appoint me as a controller of the group.

    To participate in that discussion ANONYMOUSLY, I made another identity on Yahoo. Somehow as I was thinking for a suitable COMPLETELY different and unrelated username (so that not even a single relative should have anything in common to it), I kept on arriving on just one identity e.g. failed to think of anyother name.

    So my identity came out to be "Shah Alam".

    It has got nothing to do with me. It is just not close to me by even a thousand miles. For I am not a king of even the smallest part of land hahahahah.

  18. How do i know?

  19. nothing special

    my real name is Rana and my friends call me Ranoush

  20. lol the thing iz i get called "badboy" all the time,sooooo decided to call myself tht! hehe

  21. one day, my friends just randomly started calling me "Nubz" first i hate it, but now i'm used to it...i guess it's my nickname  :)

  22. mine is what I want my life to be:-(

  23. well ... my i'm addicted to video games LOL !! so Ayame is a character from a video game but i like its meaning which is ( colorful girl ) which is more about me so i chose it !! beside no1 actually calls me by my real name !!!

  24. From The Lebanon

  25. the joker part is from the movie dark night and so is the makeup. Im not sure if u have seen that movie already.  THe yamster part is obviously cuz its a yamster dressed as THE Joker.  I give the yamster weird personalities. I was previously Sheikh Yamster and i had a really long beard :D.  Sometimes the yamster has a mustache..(the guy with the ayatollah yamster avatar or any other yamster avatar is not me).

    The 'why so serious' part is from the movie too

  26. mine is my name

  27. Well, Im Palestinian and a Muslim, and im 11 weeks pregnant :) Alhamdulillah

  28. erm my user name is true

    theyre very jelous since they know shias are right but shaytan stops them from becoming shia lol  

  29. my username was previously ' a f*cking idiot '

    i changed it cuz ppl told me to :P

    and i was known as mary b4 so mary it is lol

  30. Mine is hello too. I don't want anyone here to know anything about I stick to saying hello.


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