
What's the strangest food you've ever tried?

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Where did you have it and what did it look and taste like?




  1. my husband brought home a tin of snails and the shells to grill them in. I wanted to try them but doesn't matter how often I tried my stomach just wouldn't let me. I'd look at them really closely and it would go into convulsions. The garlic sauce they were in was quite nice and I was able to have a little taste of that but the snails ----no way ! ! ! ! and I tried really hard ----civil war between my mind and my stomach ---a very strange experience and which I have not tried to repeat and I no longer have the snail eating husband ! (I did not hold this against him )

  2. The strangest food that I've tried until now would have to be fox. Fox has a texture somewhere in between dog and cat but in taste it tastes like dog only a stronger and gamier flavour than dog.

    Also have eaten grasshopper, not much flavour but a slight taste of dirt, very crunchy and the hind legs get stuck in teeth.

    Dung beetle, hmmm actually not bad, in flavour it's much like prawns.

  3. its not strange for others only for me-lol

    i was at a party and there was chicken and turky and im like exuse me wich ones the chicken and shes like that one and im like thanks .

    (but when i was eating it it taisted like.....eeewww)

    lol so i start eating the CHICKEN and im like to my cousin "i didnt no you liked turkey" and shes like no i hate it this is chicken.

    and i only said it to her cause hers looked different to mine so i got the turky i spat it our and im like ewww. and she laughing and im like shut up lol

  4. A lollipop with an edible caterpillar inside, and one with a whole cricket, courtesy of my local science center. (I guess that's better than HALF a cricket, or caterpillar :0 )

    Also, ants stuck to half-melted jolly ranchers. The ants were spicy.

  5. i ate fried grasshopper in thailand. it looked like a grasshopper, dark brown, and all bent up. it tasted really oily with crunchy bits. hard to swallow.

    we worked ourselves into eating fried spiders in cambodia, but then we saw the real live ones, and our plans were thwarted! maybe next time.  

  6. Sea urchin eggs... Japanese delicacy. The taste? Although I have what I would consider a wide-ranging taste in foods, and am not put off by unusual ingredients... I thought it was *VILE*. Tasted the way mangrove mud smells.

    Oh, and chocolate covered ants I liked... sweet on the outside, peppery once you get to the ant inside...

  7. I tried several weird and wonderful things in mexico, escargot, (although its french) and dog.

    I used to hunt for rabbits alot to eat.

    I live in Australia, and although alot of people probably wont believe this, I eat kangaroo on a regular basis, I have also tried crocodile, emu, possum, wallaby, witchety grubs (google any of these if you dont know what they are)

    I am a huge fan of offal too, so I regularly eat hearts, lungs, brains etc, Im a chef so I guess I eat alot of things that would gross out most people

  8. I have eaten Kangaroo, it was not bad... but I couldn't eat it again.  I just can't bring myself to eat our national emblem (I am an aussie obviously).  it is supposed to be very good for you... but is notorious for worms and the like.

    Have also had crocodile and shark.  they were both very nice.  I do like the taste of shark.

  9. I live in Australia, and bushtucker here is strange.

    Witchitie grubs - they are grey worm like grubs with black heads that live in the trunk of trees in Australia. Raw they taste somewhat like mushrooms, cooked, similar to chicken. Idea is worse than taste.

    Also tasted honey ants - they are Australian bush ants with a large sack of honey as their abdomen. Also crocodile, emu and kangaroo. Feels a little weird eating the national emblem! (emu and kangaroo)

    There was a man who was lost in the bush and survived on eating termites (white ants)!

  10. I had fried bees at a thai restaurant once. The stingers have been removed, and they were deep fried with butter and chili oil.

    At first, I thought it'd be gross. But they were quite crispy, and the spicy flavour was great. In the end, it was like eating spicy crackers.

  11. BALUT

    Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive. The bones give the eggs a uniquely crunchy texture.

    i was in the Marines an we were stationed in the Philippines,and we were at this restaurant and some of my buddies dared me to eat it,so i did. but over there its considered a delicatcy

  12. Crocodile is a great delicacy here, you can find it at markets, especially when aboriginal groups r showcasing stuff....

    weirdest really for me though is Braised Buffalo Cheeks in Horseradish sauce at a local Czech Restaurant.... probably a better place for the Beer :-)


    It's a Thai spicy salad with live baby prawns in it. Translated it is "Jumping Prawn Salad". It's served in a bowl with a lid to stop the little prawns jumping out all over the table.. To eat it you take of the lid and quickly place a spoonfull in your mouth while replacing the lid. Chew quickly if you don't want to feel the prawns moving around in your mouth. It's sweet, sour and spicy like Yum (Thai Salad).

    The prawns are about as big as a match head but they can jump easily out of the bowl.

    Great fun and delicious. Take some worm tablets the next day.

  14. After much Globe trekking with a attitude if the locals eat it must be okay ( so very wrong so many many times)

    I have looked through all your answwers and find myself saying of yeah I remeber that..balut was actually quite good if you keep your eyes closed

    So top of the list....for me Thailand 1995 I wanted to see what all the local kids were excitedly buying and walking away with happy smiles on there faces as they made there purchase. So i dutifuly line up and made my purchase. A paper cone full of what I assumed were and sweets a usual assocaition WRONG WRONG WRONG  .....As I walked away I opened my paper cone to find a serve of Garlic Fried a wave of nausea overtook me I looked at the happy smiling kids and thought well at least try them..So a tentative first bite followed by a rather specatular display of spitting food out in public..being aware of social ettique when travelling not normally something I would do........once i recovered and looked up I was greated by a group of laughing kids...So while for me it was a disaterous culinary experince it  was their gain as i happily handed over the remander of my bag of treats much to their joy

  15. chopped up milk gut from a cows udder. it was crumbed and served at a party in the bush. witchetty grubs straight from a tree as well. both of them were surprisingly nice. i would have to lean to the grubs though as they can have different tastes depending on which tree they came out of.

  16. Hmmm how does one define strange anyway? Wht's considered strange to one person may be every day cuisine to another. I can tell you though that when I was staying at Hilltribe villages in Thailand, they caught and cooked (deep fried) for us cickets as a special treat. They were actually really tasty!!

  17. it was a witchetty grub,it's like a massive, white tree worm. Well liked by aboriginals, thrown on the hotplate.It tasted very salty.Of course i was well drunk when i tried it.My husband convinced me it was THE thing to do when you are out camping in the bush.Coming from Holland

    i was very keen to try all sorts of australian things.After 12 years in Oz i am still keen.

  18. I have tried Smoked crocodile. Very rubbery tastes bland could only really taste the smoke lol. You can buy all different types of animal from a store in victoria just a little shop in the country who would have guessed. They have duck, venasin, quail, possum, snake, wombat kangaroo ect.

  19. Kangaroo.

    You can buy it in the supermarket in Australia.

    I have also tried Crocodile prepared by Australian Aborigines.

    Both are quite tasty.

    What I don't like is Lambs fry and Sheep's brains.

    Both are really gross.

  20. If you are well travelled, hard to say anything is wierd any more: how about Prawns (scum eater with way too many legs, served with head and guts in them, yuk!), green tea ice cream with red bean paste (odd but yummy), dog (like corned beef - not nice), snake (like eel - yum), crocodile which you can get in Vietnamese restaurants in Marrickville and is really interesting.  

  21. Roasted crocodile small intestine, (very good actually, bit like calamari), magpie goose brains (just like sheeps brains!), magpie goose tongue (bit small to get a good taste - maybe like corned meat?), barramundi swim bladder stuffed with barra fat (marvellous, the best bit of the whole fish!), file snake fat globules (like a string of pearls!  deliciously fatty), and water python.  (We run a bushtucker tour in Kakadu called Animal Tracks so we get to try all sorts of weird and wonderful bush foods!).

  22. i suppose it's not strange, but to me it was, it was a paw paw, the most foul tasting thing i have ever had. it almost made me throw up. i got it because my grandson wanted to try one and he didn't like it either. just  don't go there.

    we put it out for the wild parrots that visit our garden and even they wouldn't eat it.

  23. Strangest is himono. Its horse mackerel fish (like mini tuna or whiting) cut in half along the belly head to tail and opened, inards are removed and then it is left to dry in the sun for a few weeks. You eat the whole thing. Bones and all. The place I lived in Japan (Numazu) was famous for it.The fish part is quite nice and some bones are edible, but i drew the line at the head. Not nice. See links below for images. It looks like how it sounds. Scary!

    Strangest food Ive ever made at home was peanut butter with jam (or jelly as Americans call it) . How they eat it is beyond me. Gross.

  24. i had fried ants that me and my father collected and cooked. They didn't really taste like anything so we added some salt. they were good. This was in the philippines. I have also had balut (baby duck in an egg), but quite regularly so its not that weird for me. It tastes fantastic!!!

  25. I have tried snake, only a small piece, it was a very strange taste, sort of bitter / sour and a very creamy texture.  It was a long time ago when I worked for a Chinese family.  They used to boil a snake - not sure what sort of snake - never asked, and the juice from it was their children's "vaccination", they gave it to them from about 6 weeks of age until they kids were 10, and you know what those children never ever got sick and they had lovely shiny hair and beautiful teeth.

    Ive also eaten Chicken Feet, they are sooooo nice, lots of oyster sauce and steamed rice.  Never be afraid of eating them at a restaurant.

  26. I've had lots of fairly strange food to some people.

    Shark(Bronze Whaler)-More flavoursome than the average Flake

    Crocodile-like soft chicken that isn't stringy

    Abalone Salad-It could have had Lobster mixed in.

    Jellyfish-Not bad a bit like the crocodile

    Dried Squid-Quite Chewy and tasty like Beef Jerky but Squid

    Eel-Not too flash a little slimy


    Pasta(Squid Ink)-Fettucine that was dipped in Squid Ink

    Edit-Oh yeah I've had Kangaroo doesn't seem wierd to me because I'm Australian(should be cooked medium rare as it can get tough and chewy overdone but medium rare I'd rank it as good as steak.)

  27. Mine was simple - Coca Fruit straight off the tree. I was warned to not bite the stone as "it is very bitter." It would be because the cocaine accumulates in the stone as well as the leaves, but not in the fruit itself.

    Very pleasant taste, sort of like a soft pear with a Coca-Cola flavour. The fruit looks like a paler green slightly shrivelled Avocado, with a white, slightly greenish flesh. The stone is much like an Avocado stone but darker brown.

  28. Probably the strangest food I've eaten would be barbecued camel hump.  I was in the Middle East many years ago (back in the days when it was a really neat place to visit), and one of my Saudi Arabian friends told me that him and some of his friends were going to have a barbecue that following weekend, and invited me and another friend.  Long story short, it was delicious, tasted a lot like beef, only a bit stringy.  Don't know if I'd eat it again, but for the place and time, I liked it!

  29. stuffed chillies they where the red kind and they had sweet cheese stuffed inside they blow ur head of they r so hot!!my ex n i where on holiday in the country near where his hunter cousin lives,,anyways his cousin catches a wild hare so i treated it like a pet for the whole 2 wks i was there,the last night he kills it n calls me 2 put it in the esky on ice,i was devistated that nite 4 tea he cooked rabbit stew howeva i wauld not eat him as he was my pet.........

  30. I've eaten a lot of strange food. Hmmm, let's see. I've had roast crocodile, deer, and kangaroo spaghetti here in Australia. I liked them all. When I was traveling in Cambodia, the people I was with told me to eat these little squishy grey things. They tasted like nuts. Later I found out they were boiled silkworm. I also ate a fried cockroach and a fried cricket. They were crunchy and tasted like garlic. When I was in Malaysia I ate pig stomach/intestine soup... it was disgusting.  

  31. Giant Sea Snail.  It was at a restaurant in Fukuoka, Japan.  Grilled in the shell over an open fire.  Steamed with sake that we poured into the shell while it was cooking.  It was nasty.  About the size of a fist and tastes really bad.

    Fresh fish (still alive) skewered on chopsticks then grilled over an open fire.  It was during the same meal in Japan.  I don't know what type of fish they were, but they were delicious.  They came to the table scaled but still had their guts in them.  About 6" long, maybe they were trout?  

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