
What's the truth about joing the marines?

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My boyfriend needs help on deciding of whether or not he wants to join the marines. Can anybody who has a lot of experience or is actually in the marines give me some disadvantages of joining. His recruiter only gives him the pros.





  1. The Cons are obvious.  Its a hard life sometimes, but rewards also.  Deployments, long hours.  He will make friends for life though.  Marines have a huge, tight brotherhood.  You mess with one Marine, you mess with the entire Corps.  

    He will be taken care of.  If you become his wife, you will be too.  Don't let people talk him out of something he wants to do.  Much respect for the Marines.

  2. No

    He needs to get away from you.

  3. marine corp has alot of pride, its harder to advance in rank, alot more stricter rules but thats what its about to be a marine, we are held to the highest standard and strive to be the best thats why we live a bit stricter, but honestly I am glad when I am in a room full of other branchs I can say I am a US Marine, the title is worth it

  4. Mostly, it is pro's...  enlisting in any Branch is personal, often it is something inside you that just motivates you to a certain Branch. I find a few things "funny", 1, you are trying to get him to give up HIS Goals, but want to continue YOURS, and you aren't even sure IF you should stay together... lots of red flags here.

    Maybe it is time to end it. Let the Man follow his dreams, his goals, and you follow yours... if it ends up that you guys get together after that, well good... but I doubt it.

    Good reasons to join? Many, beyond benefits... reasons not to? Honestly, you and others will say I am biased, but.. none, if it is what you want.

  5. The Marines are treated like utter c**p on my base. I'm in the Navy but Marines are stationed here with us. They get inspections every couple days that are set up to fail you so they can scream and yell at them. Their liberty sucks too at least at this command they can't be out passed 10pm on weekdays and by midnight on weekends. The marines here just get abused. I would recommend any other branch BESIDES the Marines.

  6. They may set you up to fail but its because they need to see how you react to failure and how/if your decision making is affected.  They yell at you to push you, thats why Marines are the best fit of the branches.  A true Marine views the cons as challenges and sets out to prove himself worthy.

  7. The answer is that Marines are not treated bad its just they are not treated like a spoiled person. Marines are trained to adapt to any situation and overcome anything at any time. There training is constant if they know it or not. Like for instance marine infantry. They dont live in the best looking barracks or eat the best of foods when there in the field because it keeps them not spoiled of the good things people want every day.  

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