
What's the use of enacting laws after laws when the whole system isn't working in the first place?

by Guest62897  |  earlier

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  1. its too difficult to answer

  2. since youare paid to do something, then do something for christ sake even if it is useless.....correct! korek..corek!

    btw, what case are you referring to?

  3. I guess that is the only way to fix up a system that isn't working.

  4. Coz it would just be too unlawful for the law if we are lawless and don't have any law to implement the law that is not lawfully working as a law.

  5. to pretend like the system is moving along just fine? i dunno

  6. It is a global problem actually, not only confined to this country. It's like asking, what's the use of having the UN if the USA can take unilateral actions around the world on its own and disregard the UN?

    Enacting a law and enforcing it are 2 totally different, sometimes unrelated, things.

  7. Many people think the purpose of law is to promote justice. The purpose of law is to prevent injustice from reigning. In fact, it is injustice, instead of justice, that has an existence of its own. Justice is achieved only when injustice is absent.

    Law is a negative concept and not a positive concept.  Law is there to prevent harm, not to encourage or mandate good.

  8. Laws serve a purpose. They are an attempt to create a smooth running and equitable system even if it's not always possible. Creating and enforcing a "superior" system is difficult. All sytems will have flaws.

  9. its all politics, and it contradicts itself every time you turn around

  10. to make it look good on paper..

  11. at first the system was there to show off to the western countries. Second reduce the unemployment.

  12. There's a thin line between law and enforcement.  In a country with third world thinking leaders like ours, laws are meant to be passed but not enforced.  It is only being enforced when there's money and power linked to it.

  13. Beats me

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