
What's the weather like in Alicante during the end of Oct early Nov?

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Is it snowy? Bright sun? Will it be cold, hot?

From any who lives there, may have lived, or just know the place, what has it been like the past few years? What season does it fall under - winter?




  1. Well I am sure by the previous answers you are totally confused and think we are all living in different places.

    All I can say is it is usually very pleasant and hot even for those coming from the cold of Britain. It is the beginning of our winter and you will see us locals dressed for it, with jackets etc, but Brits visiting will be seen in t shirts and shorts! Brggggggggg!

    Our worst weather I think is Feb it is usually wet, and miserable.

    Had to laugh at your question "is it snowy?" We don't get snow on the coast although you can see it on the mountains around Guadalest which is not very far to drive.

    Perhaps check this weather site to get a prediction:

  2. Just pleasant

  3. Last October early November was very very warm,  we had friends from England and they actually got sunburnt.  I would say winter start around middle December usually.  Of course, there is always the exception to the rule.

  4. absolutely great, always in mid 20s, though it does get a little chilly at night time,i would highly recommend a visit at this time of year

  5. It rains the beginning of October and cools down this month and by the end the warm summer nights have gone. It's normally quite sunny in November. The Spanish call it 'little summer'. Lived here 17 years on costa blanca, so can't speak for other areas.

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