
What's the weather like in Europe in mid Aug and what kind of clothes should I pack?

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What's the weather like in Europe in mid Aug and what kind of clothes should I pack?




  1. Check out these websites to get average temperatures and rainfall etc. *,,  I am also going to Europe in August/Sept and this has been a great help. From what I have gathered, it is likely to be warm/hot in southern Europe ie Spain and parts of Italy, but cooler in the North ie Netherlands/Switzerland. Have fun!!

  2. It Depends on what part of Europe Your going to! What country are you going to?

  3. Well Europe is pretty big so Its hard to say, but if you are visiting France, Italy or Spain, bring light clothes. T shirts, shorts, short shorts.

    England, I would bring the same but less of it but more light long clothes. A shirt with sleeves and long pants, it rains alot

  4. If you're coming to Spain, it's hot, hot, hot.

    Anthony James Barnett - author

  5. Way up in the Alps you will need warmer clothing, like a crisp fall day, but other then that it will be hot for the most part.

  6. erm . . . what part of Europe? It's a big continent. Bigger than the USA. You wouldn't ask the same question about the USA without specifying the region.

  7. i go to europe every summer i ts usually around 70 or 08... so t shirts and a few tanks would be good.

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