
What's the weather like in London? Are you enjoying yourself?

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What's the weather like in London? Are you enjoying yourself?




  1. The weather isn't bad in London, and yes, I'm enjoying myself.

  2. I'm about 35 miles outside of London (in Kent), and it's a gorgeous day here. The breeze is a bit chilly today but at least we have clear blue skies. The sunshine makes you feel so much better - well, better than yesterday anyway, when it rained all day.

    Am I enjoying myself?

    Hmm. I've just spent the last hour and a half mowing my lawns, and that's not enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination.

    But now it's done, so things are looking up!

    Hope it's great wherever you are.

  3. the weathers been quite sunny today, but not as nice as it has been for the past couple of weeks, its ment to be sunny and warm all of next week aswell. yay! :)

  4. I am near(ish) to London - it is really sunny and nice. but I'm indoors working unfortunately (and on yahoo answers).

  5. It was a lovely day today, however in general London weather has a tendency to be very changeable and unpredictable - much like my native New Zealand (the latter is generally sunnier but windier).

    For example, spring was cool and wet (more so than average), although the first half of May, with the exception of the last week or so, has been quite summery. It is almost like we have gone from winter to summer without a spring!

    What I do appreciate about the summers in the UK in general are the long evenings when it is daylight beyond 9pm - on a fine day it is hard to beat.

    If you come for a visit, be prepared for all eventualities and take an umbrella. However rainfall is much less than people think, it is just that it comes in showers rather than heavy downpours.

  6. nice and cloudy, im wearing a jumper but its not that bad

    but not as warm as the past 2 weeks :(

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