
What's the weather like in London?

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I'm crossing the pond to London next week and I'm trying to pack. I see that the temp is like 13-15C which sound pretty cold (it's about 35C here). What are people (women) wearing there? Can I bring summer dresses and sandals? Thanks!




  1. Here in London in June/July you can expect daytime temps to reach about 25c daytime (average Summer).  London is quite often overcast but rain is less likely here than in the city of Rome - strange but true.

    London Weather Forecast - Forecast for London UKForecast for London UK. Handy links to the latest live forcast weather for London in the United Kingdom. Live whether reports and long range weather for ...

    The temps you're reading of 13-15C are the night-time temps for London.  

    The forecast for UK as a whole in July is expected to be good with higher than usual temps.  The months of June and August are less good than usual.

    Yes, you can bring summer dresses and sandals to wear in London.

    What we have here in London at this time of year (mid-Summer) is very long days and masses of daylight.

    Sunrise & Sunset charts for London

    St.George's Day - Covent Garden

  2. The weather at the moment here is good. check out, London has been around 23/25C recently.

    Summer dresses and sandals are fine.

  3. go to BBC homepage

  4. suggest you look at the TV Wimbledon Tennis coverage to see what people are wearing  . .  weather today is warm and sunny   temp 20 ish -  be prepared for showers

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