
What's the weather like in Vancouver, British Columbia?

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I live in California and I've never been to Canada. I might need to move to Vancouver; and I would like to know, from first hand experience.





  1. I have lived in nearby Victoria all my life so I can tell you that Vancouver gets sunny weather from about June-September on a consistent basis with an average temperature around 25 º C.  Fall and Winter months mid Oct-Feb consist of heavy rain and very rare snow flurries (max of 10 a season) with temps from 0-10 ºC.  Spring can be very rainy or sunny and warmish 12-15ºC.  Hope this helps.

  2. Because Vancouver's right by the coast, our temperature is moderated by the water. Because of this we have a pretty mild winter with not that much snow. The summers are awsome because it never gets unbareably hot or humid at all. Unfortunately it does rain here a lot, even in the summer sometimes. It averages 22 °C (72 °F) in the summer and around 10°C in the winter.

    It might take some time for you to get use to coming from California. but i love the weather here (besides the rain). maybe invest in some waterproof boots and an umbrella.

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