
What's the weirdest thing you're afraid of?

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What's the weirdest thing you're afraid of?




  1. Lifts/Elevators.

    My brother (Who is called lancastle) is scared of escalators.

  2. A coalition between Earth and Mars


    I need more vodka...

  3. the dark.. lol


  4. The sink. Clean sinks are fine, but when you put dirty dishes in there and then some water and it all goes mushy and dirty!

    Ahhh I hate it!!

    People think its jus ebcause i dont want to do the washing up but I really cant touch it!

  5. Sucker fish!!!!

    When I see them sucking on the glass in their fish tank.  I see their yucky mouth and stomach.  I have screamed before in the pet store, and I have jumped in the air too.

    I hate them, hate them, HATE THEM!

  6. Vacuuming when I'm home alone.. but I'm learning to overcome that fear, finally.

  7. Oh my god thats so strange - i was just about to ask the same question!! :-o

  8. thunderstorms

  9. A house fire or a fire near my house. I always said i don't want to die from burning in a fire.

    Also, I am afraid of bugs. I don't care if they are fly's I still find them gross and scary.

  10. Mountain driving. I'm pretty sure that's how I'll go, having a heart attack while driving down a mountain.  

  11. Going up steep banks or hills in a car. I freak out big time!!!!!!

  12. When your alone in the house taking a bath and someone knocks at your door loudly. I don't know but i find that scary.

  13. any one that hurts kids x

  14. YO FACE

  15. The disney film snow white used to freak me out, and its not the witch its snow white herself.. shes creepy! Also im terrified of fish..  

  16. butterflys they are like maggots with wings

  17. feet?? does that count as wierd or is it too common??  i cant bear them especially without socks!!

  18. Ok...drunk people and dirty sponges...those are my weird fears that  I can't get rid of....

  19. the candyman

  20. Moths! Ewwwwwww

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