
What's the weirdest thing you caught your baby eating?

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I thought this would be interesting, what is the weirdest thing you caught your baby eating? With my son, he never put anything in his mouth ever. He was playing with the little Lego's at like 10 months. Then came along my daughter, since we never had any problems with our son, we figured she would be the same. BOY were we wrong. I called poison control so much I had the number memorized. She has eaten a half of tube of toothpaste, sprayed Lysol in her mouth, drank Listerine, eaten a chocolate bar that was over 5 years old (It was one that was a birth announcement bar, we had it left over from when our son was born). She got into anything and everything. So I was wondering what your babies got into, that you were shocked that they ate.




  1. We have a little dog and my son found some of her p**p and ate it. I was so grossed out. I have since looked very carefully before he wakes up. Good luck.

  2. well i havent caught my son eating anything yet...but when my little sister was about 10months old she was trying too eat a pen...and when she was about 5 she tired too eat straight soap, when she was 6 she ate 2nickels and a couple pennies..when she was about 4 she tried bathing in butter and eating it..=/ my sis never got into poisnios things tho lol.

  3. wow! now I don't feel so bad about my son chewing on a piece of paper

  4. Baby proofing and supervision might prevent these things from happening...

    That's a little too many "oopsies" for just one small child.

  5. my little girl swallowed a penny not long ago...which let me tell you is a very scary thing! if it was minted after 1983 you've got a bit of a panic ahead of you! they are made of mostly zinc and can be very easily dissolved in stomach acid. she did pass it however, but it was completly eaten away on one side! it was a 2006 penny!  

  6. MY oldest daughter managed to get a taste of Vapor Steam from the vaporizer her paternal grandma left down in her room when she was 9 months. She's also torn up carpet pieces(shag carpeting) and ate them and decided it would be nifty to try a bite of a tree twig in the front yard.

    My youngest daughter has eaten anything and everything she could get her hands on...just the other day she decided a dinner of play doh would be awesome lol...she's eaten a bug or 5,picked up pebbles in the back yard that I couldn't even see and ate them,and recently my brother's girlfriends kid showed her how to get into the trash! He eats it but thank god my little girl has tried garbage delight yet! She also likes toilet paper...NO ITS NOT USED TOILET PAPER!!!

    My kids are weird...I can only imagine what this baby I am due with in September is going to try

  7. I'm with jess my 10 month  is always finding paper and trying to eat it.

  8. haha that is a funny question. My daughter is only 3 months old so she hasnt entertained me with eating weird things yet. But my sister in law had to get rid of a fluffy mat she had because my neice would pull out the fluff and eat it. The weirdest thing she ate was a moth!  When my brother was a baby we had a pet goat and one day when sitting outside he came across a goat poo and ate that haha

  9. Ok mine is sick. My lil guy loves raisins and grapes. Well when you eat raisins the wetness in your bowel movement plumps them back up *ew. My son decided to take off his diaper a few weeks ago and I come walkin in the living room and there he was- "eatin grapes" EWW that is the weirdest and the grossest thing yet! lol  

  10. Baby Food - it stinky slime

  11. My daughter was playing outside and decided she would try to eat a slug! it was gross!

  12. Miracle grow potting soil, he loves bar soap and takes a bite every time I'm at my moms house, a ribbon after dunking it in the toilet, gosh the list goes on and on. LOL

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