
What's the weirdest thing your cat has eaten?

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mine would be I was just getting some tin spaghetti out of the cupboard and both my cats thought it was tin cat food. so they were waiting around my feet and when I showed them that it wasn't cat food one of my cats looked eager to taste it so I gave him a bit and surprisingly he ate it! and then of course since he had some my other cat had to as well and they both ate it!




  1. My bacon..oh and a grape

  2. cut worms as i weeded the garden

  3. Actually my cat has drank Peppermint tea but I will tell you how and why. Okay, my cat has diarrhea and I read that Peppermint tea helps that so I got some peppermint tea for my cat to drink, and whats weird was he liked the smell of the tea bag but he sure didn't like to drink it!

  4. carrot

  5. My cat won't eat anything except dry kibble that is round and flat in shape, and the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.

    My mother in law's cat would eat green olives, but leave the pimentos behind.

    The worst thing the dog ever ate was one of the cat's hairballs.

  6. The grossest things my kitten has eaten is her sister's vomit.. :P  

  7. My 2 siamese cats eat wool

    i have asked questions on it b4

    its really odd.

    i have proof 2 they ate a chunk from my school jumper

  8. A slug and a toad in the same day then the cat threw up it was nasty

  9. Peanut butter off my sphincter.

  10. my old cat ate part of a shower mat

  11. lettuce that i dropped while making boritos and cardboard

  12. I had a cat that ate a 10 inch hot pink ribbon and I thought she was throwing up blood. I did not know what it was till it passed in her stool.  Now my one cat ziggy ate dried piece of tortilla that fell on the floor. He likes bread too!

  13. Our male cat loves to play with those foam toe separators women use when painting their toe nails.  He used to have great fun tossing it into the air and catching it.  I thought this was harmless fun, until one day he was sick and I discovered he'd actually swallowed one whole!  

  14. pasta salad

  15. My cats eat salad, pickled onions, raw veg, cooked veg, pasta (raw and cooked), they will even l**k up olive oil. To date I haven't found a food they won't eat.

    In the mornings before work i have to be careful not to put my bag down (with lunch in it) because in the time it takes me to lock the house up one of my cats will run off with my sandwich.

    I also have to keep my coffee away from them

  16. A snake.

  17. cat food. Yep definately the weirdest thing it looks so disgusting

  18. paper and wood. my cat eats ANYTHING he is a very odd kitty cat.

  19. a gecko

    a snakes head

    a rat

    a worm

    a lizard

  20. once my cat ate a string and i had to use a scissors and cut it out of her butt

    and then she ate one of those rubber bracelets and i found them in the litter box.

    oh and my cat daisy used to try to eat the dog's food

  21. Wow.. great question! My cat eats a lot of  human food. We feed him turkey, pork, and lots of other meat. I would have to say the weirdest thing my cat has eaten was a string. Although it wasn't a good choice he made because the string got caught and he had to take him to the "Pet Hospital" for surgery o_o

    But the little guy's okay! ;)

    Here's a interesting star.

  22. my cat buddy u remember him yeah my dads EX-girlfriend blew smoke in his face. that... well yeah lets try not to be angry

    *inhale exhale* >:(  

  23. my *** off of my pillow

  24. a small moth that he caught in mid air got on the ground and ate it

  25. my cat luvs my sons twisties,cheezos and burger rings

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