
What's the whole story behind using garlic to chase off evil spirits?

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  1. garlic does chase of evil beings!!!

    just look at what it repels! Mosquitos are evil bugs lol, and what repels them......garlic!

  2. Every plant and herb has some sort of folklore to it, often similar and/or some differing beliefs from different cultures that utilized it.

    Garlic is no exception.

    In various cultures, it was believed that the foul smell of garlic would ward off evil spirits.

  3. According to Islamic tradition, garlic is said to sprout any place where Satan placed his left foot during the time that he was being driven from paradise.

    The Greek philosopher, Theophrastus, stated that in order to keep Hecate (the goddess of magic) and her hellhounds at bay, garlic was placed at any crossroads, near tombs and at crime scenes. Basically any place where she was said to frequent.

    The Egyptians believed that both garlic and onion held divine powers and famous 16th- century botanist, Clusius stated that German miners took cloves of garlic with them into the mines to ward off evil spirits. It is no wonder that garlic's Sanskrit name means "slayer of monsters".

    Not only is garlic said to combat evil, it is also believed to have various healing properties according to many countries.

    In Cuba, it is believed that if one wears a necklace of 13 garlic cloves for 13 days, jaundice will be cured. In England, nannies used garlic to treat whooping cough by putting it inside children's socks. In parts of Europe, people believe garlic can cure smallpox, leprosy, the plague and other infectious diseases. Also, it is said to prevent dropsy, sunstroke, hysteria and cure intestinal diseases.

  4. garlic has been used in spells as a deterent of negativity for many years... such as using them in vinegar to lower depression so i personally think that that would be the most likely reason... chase away negativity simply has been changed to the word evil.

  5. garlic is a strong veg it stinks and because you cant see spirits why not waf at them with gtarlic. my romanian grandma puts garlic on the window sills to keep out spirits bad ones anyway

  6. Have you ever smelled garlic breath on someone else?!  Phew!  It's enough to scare me away from people with it.

  7. I don't know, but I've always suspected some guy learned he could keep away his nagging wife with garlic breath.

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