
What's the wisest thing you've ever heard?

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what is the wisest advice or phrase someone has told you?

or just your favorite thing to live by?




  1. there are two quotes that I believe to be very wise.

    The best way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.


    The right attitude gets the job done right!

  2. When your walking through h**l. Walk faster.

  3. Girls Have COOTIES! haha just kidding

    Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail.

  4. "For some of us It's that our aim's are too low, and we hit it, than our aims too high, and we miss it."

    Thats what I think of when I play piano, it's why I aim to be better than liszt.

  5. If a tree fell in the woods with nobody around would it still make a sound?

  6. "Many a true word is said in a joke".

  7. Quitters never win . Winners Never Quit.

    Some people say talent and hard work the same but I dont. You might have a lot of talent without hard work. but when talent fails hard work doesnt.

  8. Proper







  9. Treat others the way you want them to treat your grandmother, basically what goes around comes around.

  10. No pain, No gain

  11. For me the wisest thing i have ever heard is" the only failure in life is when you stop trying" i think that this quote has guided me through many situations , i love it because it's true and can be helpful in almost every kind of situation, i knew it since i was twelve or thirteen yeas old.

  12. No guts, No glory!

  13. A dear friend of mine made up a tune to this and would softly sing it now and then as her own little mantra. Last spring when she was living with cancer it became a way for her to deal with her pain and troubles and focus on the positive aspects of her life. We later sang it as we scattered her ashes at her favorite spot. I sing it to myself now to help center me and bring me up if I'm feeling low and to express joy when I'm at peace.

    "May I be filled with love and kindness

    May I be well

    May I be peaceful and at ease

    May I be happy"

  14. To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die.

    -Marquis de Vauvenargues

  15. wise men speak because they have something to say..fools speak because they have to say something.

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