
What's the word to describe the feeling when you know you should be astounded by sights but you're not

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Friend is on her world travels and currently in New Zealand. Amazing photos, stunning sights. But she says everything is so beautiful that it's not registering as much now. Everywhere, pristine lakes with stunning mountain backdrop. Seems to have hit the saturation point. Looking for a word to describe please. Thanks




  1. Underwhelmed.

    The thing is, she is probably saturated by beautiful sights now and they all blur into one, but when she gets back to the normality of her life at home, she will find the photos she has taken, and will think things like;

    " You know, that really IS beautiful.  I remember that moment, it is great looking back, "

    and so on.

  2. I wouldn't use any particular word other than the phrase "hasn't sunk in" which is probably how your friend is. Can't  quite take in how stunning it is.

    in effect a bit like oversaturated.

  3. She's 'all mountained out'.

  4. uninthused

  5. Callus?

  6. passive.

  7. underwhelmed seem to be about right, but perhaps its more

    saturation, too much of a good thing.

  8. Deflated

  9. Satiety - (n) the feeling of having had too much

    satiate - the feeling of having had more than enough, so as to disgust or weary .

    Satiate was the word I immediately thought of.

  10. Overwhelmed?

  11. OMG! all this in onelifetime

  12. unimpressed?

  13. apathetic

  14. I'd go with "underwhelmed". Like, "Jamie stood on the Eiffel Tower's observation deck, staring out at the landscape about which she had heard so many wonderful things, and was almost bored. It was underwhelming, finally being there."

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