
What's the worst alcoholic beverage you've tried?

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I don't like Jagermeister. And I think those little flavored Smirnoff coolers are just completely gross.




  1. OMG definately has to be tropical orange bacardi breezer.  It tastes like horse p**s, is absolutly horrible

  2. I think most of the hard alchohol and beer.

    I got in a big "Accident" with hard alchohol and I can't tolerate it anymore. Now I just stick to light stuff like sour puss, coolers, and baileys.

  3. anything mixed with    Lemonade and I agree with that Jeggar that is nasty nasty stuff

  4. a shot called a duck f**t ... its the worse thing EVER!!!

  5. Two things come to mind.

    Sam Adams put out something called Trilpe Bock as a holiday beverage.  It came in six ounce bottles, but it was so vile I couldn't finish it.

    The other thing that I couldn't finish was something called Hard Iced Tea.  (Not Long Island Iced Tea.)

    Ummm.....Aren't you too young to drink?

  6. aple pucker...too sweet or something it tastes like syrup

  7. Pussers Rum. The worst ever.

  8. It's a three-way tie. I made a dandelion wine and a persimmon (locust) beer that never made it to the secondary fermenter. A neighbor gave me a shot of arrak that I took one sip of and rejected.. He wasn't surprised.

  9. For me its Jamaican Rum, absolutely disgusting!! Way to strong for my liking.

  10. I will try things at least once but I think beer is horrible. Other than that I haven't come across a mixed drink that I thought was nasty they are just weak sometimes especially depending on where you got them from. I like to just go to the liquor store and buy what I like and mix it at home. If its nasty then I only have myself to blame.

  11. Jagermeister - that stuff's like cough syrup.

  12. Bira Perone (Italian beer brand, sold only in Southern Italy, thank God!)

    One taste and your taste buds try to leap out of your mouth!

  13. Jägermeister by far. It's like bad cough medicine.

  14. beer.

  15. beer, may as well drink p**s with some barley thrown in. and i once had absolut lemon with sprite, it tasted like pledge furniture polish. ick.

  16. I used to live on Jager.

    Now the thought makes me ill.

    The worst was Everclear. BAAAADDDD stuff.

  17. Jager is nasty! Bad cough medicine, lol.

    Personally I can't drink whiskey, that'll make me sick. Also I don't like the taste of White Russian, it's like a coffee alcohol taste, not for me!

  18. Local Thai Whisky! What makes it different is the taste.

  19. well, i'm a minor.. but i have taken teeny sips of some things..

    the worst sip i ever took was Soju, a korean drink.

    oh gosh i took like the tiniest of sips and it was soo baad and it burned! i had to drink like half a gatorade!

  20. The Beast (Milwaukee's Best).

  21. fighting c**k!!! and absenth

  22. well once i mixed like vodka,fat frogs,blumers and think that was it but anyway it was horriblay i just left it haha

  23. A Sam Addams Chocolate flavored beer.  I love beer, but it was nasty!!!

  24. Ypioca Toucano Rum from Brazil, absolutely disgusting!

  25. Mixing coffee and cider is not good :|

  26. Any coolers.  They're way too sweet, and they kill my stomach.  I can drink anything else and eat spicy food all day, but coolers are the worse things ever invented.  Yuck!

  27. Jager I think is the nastiest alcohol ever, it really does taste like Nyquil, yuck.

    I dont like Fire Water, After Shock or anything else cinnimon.. I think they are harsh!

  28. FOSTERS with limee ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  29. i hate any type of scotch

    and southern comforts the worst

  30. BEER - even toilet water tastes better.

  31. Bacardi 151

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