
What's the worst beat you ever laid on someone?

by  |  earlier

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I have two:

Late in a medium sized tourney, final 2 tables. I'm the big stack (is it just me or do big stacks generally hand out the worst beats? :)) in the BB and the guy first to act drops 3X the big blind. One of the other players, a small stack, calls all-in. I have 78 diamonds. I figure, what the heck, pot odds were good, so I call, if there's no diamonds on the board, I'll let it go. Flop comes down 9TJ diamonds, giving me the dumb end of a straight flush! I have to use the bathroom, so i just click on "check/call any" but before i can move, the first player puts down a bet of almost all of his stack. of course, it automatically calls. he has 40 chips left, and the next bet he goes all in. Of course, I call, and he flips over 99. :)




  1. The board was 6c 9d 9s Ah Kc

    this was a poker night at a friends house, and it was heads up with me and a friend as we were the final 2.

    i was the chip leader. eventually, my friend went all in on the river and i called.

    i asked him what he had, and he said "i just doubled up" showing his  Ks 9c -- (Nines full of kings)

    then i turned over my Ad 9h saying "i just won"

    (Nines full of aces)

    his face was priceless. moments like those remind me of how much i love poker :D

  2. My QQ against  AA and flop came 89T and the turn was a J.  Bad beat happens all the time.  It is part of the poker that cannot be avoided.

  3. You didn't specify bad beat or regular beat, but here's a story that still makes me smile.  Just last week I was playing online, and I had clocked one player two seats to my right as SUPER aggressive.  We were playing a single table s'n'g, and there were four people left with the top three getting paid.  $20 game.  This guy had been raising almost every pot, and if called he kept throwing money until people folded.  He and I were just about even, I had him covered by maybe a hundred chips.  I got KK in the BB.  Sure enough this guy comes in for a 4X BB raise.  I called.  Flop comes K4K with two diamonds.  I had flopped quad kings!  I check, he fires a pot sized bet.  I call.  Turn is an 8 of clubs.  I check, he fires another big bet, I call.  River is an ace of hearts, I check, the guy moves all in.  I call, and he turns up Q9o.  I played him absolutely perfect, knocked him out on the bubble, and went on to win the game.

    If you're talking bad beats I've been all in with big slick vs. pocket aces and knocked the guy out when I hit broadway on the river.  I checked from the BB in an unraised pot once with 72o and the flop came 772 when one of the limpers had pocket aces.  I made a straight flush on the river in an Omaha game once to beat a guy with quad nines.  The list is endless if you've played enough hands.

  4. I put a bad beat frenzy on a table ... I got short stacked and started shoving... hit a couple of rivers and then was back in the game... I seemed to pick up pairs left and right after that and woke up against bigger pairs... and I kept spiking the river... I must have been a dog the last ten times that I got all my money in... and I won every hand.. very ugly way to win a tournament... but the money spent well!!

  5. j,j,k,k, out on the table, i had 2 kings the other guy had 2 jacks, serious betting took place.

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