
What's the worst behavior that your son/daughter has engaged in?

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What's the worst behavior that your son/daughter has engaged in?




  1. Hmm my three year old Bambi once locked her twin sister in the bathroom X_X

    She had been in there with Cara (her twin) and the lock on the door was broken so we had told them not to touch the lock on the door.. I had only turned my back for a second to ask my step daughter something, the next thing I knew the bathroom door had been slammed shut with Bambi in the hallway and Cara stuck inside (Bambi had pressed the lock before shutting the door)

    It took close to an hour for me to get the stupid door k**b off and by that time Cara was hysterical

    Needless to say Bambi got in big trouble for that one

  2. I work in child care and the worst behaviors for 1-2year olds that i have experienced is biting, and aggressive behaviors-bullying other children etc.

  3. not listening to me...they are 4 and 2

  4. When he was about 24 months old, he drew a mural of Clifford the dog and a tree on the brand new wood floor.  At least he showed that unlike me, he has artistic talent; he got the big red, green, and brown blobs pretty accurately.  And I also was happy to learn that crayon washes off of wood floors very easily.

    He's well - mannered, eats his vegetables, and neither smokes crack nor worships Satan.  I guess I should be pretty happy.  

  5. slapping and biting other kids

  6. So far for my oldest, it's been using the word "NO" liberally with me when I ask him to do something.  Then again he's only two years old. :)

    My three month daughter old is pretty docile and sweet.  No bad behavior.....yet!

  7. I think the older the child, the worse the answers will get!

    The worst thing my 6 year old has ever done was chasing her sister out of their shared bedroom, every night for a year.  It was two years ago and we couldn't figure out why our younger daughter spent the night roaming the dark house and crying, until one night when we caught the older one pinching her and telling her, "get out, you don't sleep here."  When we questioned her, she confessed that she had been doing that as long as her sister had been in a regular bed, rather than the crib where she couldn't get out.

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