
What's the worst dining experience you've ever had?

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Anywhere where you have eated out and you saw something grose or anything disgusting.

I remember one time I was eating in I think it was Red Rooster and this massive rat came out from the kitchens they were working in GROSE!.

Lol anyone want to share their tales of woe?




  1. I once worked at a deli & saw a mouse tip toeing across the kitchen. Have not worked in food service since & really am not too much into eating out at all. Didn't work there long after that. (Though I quite for other reasons)

  2. One time I went to this buffet place called Big Country Buffet. The customers included two 6-7 year old boys with snot running down their noses sneezing on all the food and touching everything. There were loads of huge, sweaty fat ladies with ugly makeup and awful hairdos piling all kinds of breaded shrimp, chicken wings, mashed potatoes, garlic bread and bluecheese salad dressing on their plates. The toilets were filthy. There was a huge puddle of vomit near the ice cream  machine and everyone was stepping in it and sliding around. And someone changed their baby's f***s-laden diaper on one of the tables and just left the diaper open on the table after they left - but no staff would dispose of it. My God! It was terrible!

  3. I once was eating at a small pizza pub in my town, and i ordered hot wings. 1.) It took about 7 years, to arrive. 2.) They sauce was all crusty, and dry. 3.) To top it off, there was 2 dead spiders in the dry sauce!

    I started to gag! lol.

    Pretty grosse, huh??


  4. I was eating at a restraunt in Belize (country off carribean coast) while on a cruise and I went to use the restroom (to find one anyway) and I walked down the stairs and there was human s**+ T just piled up underneath the restraunt. There were fly's everywhere and just **** everywhere. The disgusting part is that nobody at my table ate the food besides my papa and he didn't hear about the **** piled up around the dump. The country we visited was a VERY poor third world country. A shack there was considered a mansion. (told through the eyes of my cousin...)

  5. I was eating at a restaurant with a gf and found a cockroach in my salad.  The waiter accused me of bringing the roach with me and putting it in the salad to get free food.  With much restraint ( I was p!ssed ) I told him to take his salad, that I didn't need dead roaches to get food.    My gf didn't eat her salad and we never went back.  I left no tip.

    I am glad that I didn't have your experience of the rat, roaches are one thing, but " a rat " I think I would have gotten up and left right away.

  6. cold food and rat droppings in it

  7. I was eating at old country buffet, and this kid is walking around just like coughing on everything he dips out of. And then he decided to stick his fingers in EVERY item on the salad bar. I thought it was disgusting. Still can't eat there anymore.

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