
What's the worst example of <span title="political-correctness-gone-mad">political-correctness-gon...</span> you've ever heard of

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Overly PC, spineless politicians, human rights for three affecting thousands, overprotective mothers... what's the most ridiculously pathetic thing you've ever heard of?

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  1. a 93 year old grandmother was jailed for 9 years for calling a manhole a manhole instead of a personhole

    to be fair i actually agree with no smoking in pubs

    people talking doesnt upset my lungs.  people drinking doesnt upset my lungs

  2. In shaking and waking up the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor&#039;s culture and custom with self lack of knowledge.

    In having the dead Mummy to rule, lead and guide the survival of living human kind with pots and pans as cheap-skate ghostly constitution and ghostly laws.

    Getting themselves kick on the butts by the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Without being aware of getting hit on the head with the Book of the Dead.

    In messing up and roughing up their head against the wall.

    When they were the living and not the dead yet.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. That the government have banned the word &#039;obese&#039; - absolutely ridiculous. Surely they have better things to do?

  4. A local council in the UK has banned its employees from using the term &#039;brainstorming&#039; since it might offend the mentally ill.

    I swear this is true.

  5. Someone was criticised for using the word &quot;nitty gritty&quot; because it came from the time of slaves!  I remember this at the time and couldn&#039;t believe it.  I still use it.

    How ridiculous is that.

  6. The won last week about kids not allowed to play at conkers as they may get there school sued for hurting there self.

  7. Ba ba RAINBOW sheep instead of Ba ba black sheep.  Leave our nursery rhymes alone!!

  8. Brit told me she had vacationed in my country [America] and hated it I asked her why &#039;&#039;filled with racist and blacks&#039;&#039;

  9. Iraq was attacked for having WMD , when not found , the reason was Saddam Hussain ,

    this was done by whole of a nation called USA , (during the stone age 2003)

  10. How about I post my companies entire policies and procedures.  I wouldn&#039;t even know where to start.  Of course, I can&#039;t really blame them, they&#039;re just trying to stay out of lawsuits.

    The gov&#039;t should not be meddling in private businesses anyway.

  11. I&#039;m a schoolteacher, and we&#039;re not allowed to refer to the &quot;Christmas&quot; holidays or &quot;Easter&quot; Holidays incase we offend Muslims.

    All the Muslim kids at the school think this is nonesne, and aren&#039;t the least bit offended, so yeah, this is PC gone too far.

  12. We&#039;ve got a county commissioner here in Dallas who is trying to make angelfood cake and devilsfood cake racial terms!  Here&#039;s the only link I could find.

    Edit:  Wow!  There&#039;s actually one person out there who thinks we should be careful how we name pastries!

  13. No smoking in pubs. Soon no drinking and no talking.

  14. Wow, there are so many to choose from.  

    My vote goes to the uproar in trying to get the Washington Redskins&#039; name changed because it&#039;s not PC with respect to Native American Indians. I think it was back in 2006.  It didn&#039;t end up happening, but it was a sign of PC-gone-mad and it sometimes scares me.

  15. Last year a defunct school was seen to be leaving its lights on all night when somebody complained of the waste of electricity , the council informed them that the lights had to be left on all night because if somebody breaks in they might hurt themselves in the dark and the council had a duty of care .  

  16. I once saw a white woman lambasting a black guy for having described himself as &#039;coloured&#039;!

  17. Baa Baa Black sheep being changed to Baa Baa Rainbow sheep was really ridiculous!  

  18. There is a nursery in Northampton where children are no longer allowed to play &#039;hide and seek&#039;, it now has to be called &#039;find who&#039;s lost&#039; so as not to offend Seikhs.......... it&#039;s not even the same spelling!

  19. A violent burglar who was chased by police, he climbed up onto a roof and spent four hours throwing tiles at anyone who went near him. The police had to send up a KFC meal because he asked for it and it would have violated his human rights if they&#039;d let him go hungry.

    I&#039;d have shot the bugger!

  20. There are a couple that come to mind:

    &quot;enhanced interrogation&quot; and &quot;time horizon&quot;.

  21. People who sit around harping about PC this and that are bored and have little direction in life. There are so many other issues to care about.

  22. Any one remember paper presentation charts (flip-charts) where you write on a piece of paper and turn it over (or flip it over) so the next page can be wrote on.

    Well the term &quot;flip&quot; is derogatory when used to describe a person from the Philippines.  I would never use the term to describe a person, but flip is also a word in English that means turn over. However when I was in the Navy you couldn&#039;t call the paper charts flip-charts so not to offend Filipinos. Strangely I&#039;ve never met a Filipino who was offended by the paper chart either. They called them &quot;flip-charts&quot; too.

    I have nothing against Filipinos, but what does a pad of paper have to do with race? Nobody knows what the correct term for the &quot;big pad of paper that you write on in a presentation.&quot;

    Most people use a white bored now;  and what about the &quot;white bored&quot;. Does that mean white is boring? Just joking....don&#039;t change that too. (I know the spelling of board vs. bored. It is part of my joke...even people in YA will nag  you about crazy stuff like that. The fact I am putting a pc disclaimer out there is another one.)

  23. A blackboard is no longer a blackboard but a chalk board.

    Yet a white board is still a white board.

  24. Would you prefer political incorrectness?

  25. we are not allowed to ask for black coffee in the canteen

    we are not to refer to rubbish bags as black bags, even though they wre, but have all changed to green ones now!

    one bloke at work said &#039;typical woman, can&#039;t make up her mind to his female friend who was choosing in the canteen and he got disciplined because someone who overheard it found it &#039;offensive&#039;.

    A trainer away from the class, spoke of a student who broke a laptop by throwing something across the classroom as &#039;the prat&#039; someone overheard again and complained that it was derofgatory to the student.

    A civilian member of staff complained that she wasn&#039;t &#039;valued&#039; when someone was looking for a &#039;police man&#039;( he was trying to clarify a point of law so did need a police officer anyway), but he got in trouble.

    We are not to refer to the board at the front of class as blackboard or white board it has to be &#039;penboard&#039;.

    I could go on and on, but guess where I work? In a police training school. You daren&#039;t open your mouth some days-you never know who is listening. We had the &#039;brainstorming&#039; thing checked out with the epileptic society and they said it was rubbish, so we are allowed to say that one.

  26. We&#039;re not allowed to say &#039;brainstorming&#039; any more because it may offend epileptics... we now have to say &#039;we&#039;re having a thought shower&#039;.

  27. Harriet Harman and her mysogynist agenda

  28. Hard to pick just one !! Just the general problem with people telling the truth is why i hate PC.

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