
What's the worst film you have seen in the CINEMA?

by Guest31799  |  earlier

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So DVD's, and TV don't count, but which film have you paid good money for, sat in a dark room with others and watched a film but came out throroughly dissappointed/ I've yet to have this happen to me, cos I normally research quite deeply in a weird way the films I go see, but back to the matter at hand, what's been your worst screening visit?




  1. Indiana Jones...

  2. The Matrix.. the most predictable peice of c**p ever made

    Menace to Society

    Face / Off

  3. Well, I go to cineworld with the 10 screens and I have been in every single one of them. I have seen quite a lot of films recently such as Wall-E, Mamma Mia and You Don't Mess With The Zohan. But I think the worst movie ever that I have seen was the Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix. The ending was something that you would put half way through a film. Really rubbish!

  4. Jeepers Creepers.

    after knowing who/what the killer was (winged alien demon) it was just so disappointing. . .

    i thought the half part of the Movie was excellent and felt like walking out after knowing ive been watching a sci fi type movie.

  5. step-brothers, only film i've walked out of, absolutely dire, will ferrell is a one-trick-pony and that trick (shouting alot, being an insensitive boorish man-child) was boring by the end of Anchorman

  6. s****. doo. i was forced to watch it i was even crying. the worst 2 hours of my life

  7. Definitely maybe

    The Mummy:tomb of the dragon emperor


    and thats only a few to name.

  8. mama mia

  9. Outpost

    The X-Files (the new one)

    Something's gotta give

    Over her dead body that order

  10. Solaris... me and a couple of class mates had to read the book and we thought it would be nice to see the movie too... sooo boring, and George Clooney's *** everywhere, in every scene, acting better than him...

  11. Mama mia All the songs were Old and annoying Every five f***Kin seconds threes a song i didn't get the plot And you don't get to Find out who's the Dad (might be spoiler of s**t)

  12. Spiceworld - Spice Girls movie... terrible. just terrible and actually really annoying!

    Little Voice - if you haven't heard of it that's a good thing!

    Atonement - bored me and had the lamest sappiest ending. just wanted to make girls cry!

    the 3rd Matrix (I didn't see the second and had no idea what was going on!)

  13. Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1994)

    omg it was just awful only 3 of us in the whole cinema, luckily we didnt pay as we new people that worked there all the way thru the film i thought how did this rubbish get a cinema release??

  14. Indiana Jones Legend of the Crystal Skull.

    worse movie ever, i was texting my friends who were sitting a couple seats away from me the whole time. haha :)

  15. In the Hands of the Gods

    It was the worst film i have ever seen. I got bored in the 1st 10 mins and started playing my PSP.

  16. Oh dear I'm like you! I do my good research before I go to watch a movie simply because I don't want to be walking out, not because of the waste of money or anything. I think Jarhead (2005) was a very boring movie, I went along with friends and we all were yawning and two of them kept wanting to go out lol so I insisted that we all stay and watch it thinking it would get better but it didn't lol.

  17. I go see pretty much any movie when it comes out (I'm a huge movie fanatic so is my husband), but the movie we were the most disappointed with and ended up walking out at the end saying "WTF?" was the movie "Black Christmas." It was horrible. They had the potential to do something alot better but they didn't.

  18. my brother wanted someone to see ang lees the hulk with him ....i went ..i was peed with it ..then i fell asleep ...c**p ! so hated the comic book style slashing up the pages on screen ...and its hard cos i loved sin city not a fan of ang lees ...hated brokeback mountain either [seriously little plot ,pathetically made for 'shock 'value some people need to just grow up]....he is a terrible director!

  19. The adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle back in 2000, was so bad my dad fell asleep.


  20. the good shepard, it was really long, and i thought it was gonna be an action movie(i like action movies) but it wasn't

  21. Failure to Launch was one of the worst films I've paid to see. I've seen much worse films but I've never paid for them before.

  22. Meet the Spartans. Oddly my dad wanted to go and see it.... we both regretting spending that money.

    I got free tickets to see Message in a Bottle, that was pretty awful but at least I didn't pay for it. Same goes for 25th Hour.

  23. Cry Wolf, or something like that where kids were turning into werewolves or something, I don't know. I'm not going to force myself to rememvber. It came out in '04 or '05 some where around that time, I wanted to leave but everyone else wanted to stay. That movie was such c**p! I sat there the entire time and made fun of it.

  24. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and The Dark Night both had fantastic reviews and turned out to be c**p.

  25. Catwoman and Batman & Robin have my votes

  26. Hannah and her sisters.Don't ask what it was about it was that bad i can't even remember.

  27. Zodiac, it was very painful, I wanted to leave 20 mins in, I wouldnt take the DVD, if you paid for it :)

  28. Hey, shutter/Hannibal rising! I just thought they would of been better than what they were :(

  29. The Blair Witch Project - soooo boring

  30. ridding the bullet

  31. the Mist - saw it the other day and nearly walked out it was so terrible

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