
What's the worst injury you've given someone with a volleyball? Stories?

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Noses? Fingers? Etc?




  1. I served the ball and some girls arm got dislocated...I was really angry that day and that poor girl became the victim of my anger. IT was totally by accident though. I felt bad for her but she recovered quickly.

  2. ive broken my nose and both of my ankles. i sprained my wrists too. not to mention all of the jammed fingers

  3. i hit my opponents face with the ball, he fainted actually

  4. i dove for a ball to get it up and landed on my shoulder...i dislocated it

  5. i broke my nose

  6. During tryouts last year, The gym floors were just waxed like the day before so it was wicked slippery even with gym shoes. So this girl slid on the floor and fell and her jaw hit the floor. She had to go to the hospital and get stitches.

  7. I broke my own finger playing volleyball

  8. Broke my coaches finger when he got a little piece of a block.

    I also got a third degree sprain of my ankle by landing on another players foot while learning new blocking assignments.

  9. I broke the nose of one of my teammates!  I played setter so I always followed the rule that the second ball is mine.  The player recieving the serve gave bad dig, so i screamed 'My ball' and ran back to get it ready to set.  My teammate was a bit slow to move out of the way, and i hit him at a fair pace, my shoulder connecting sqarely with his nose.  Now I'm a stocky bloke so I knoced him flying off the court with s bloody broken nose, and to make matters worse for him, he was wearing glasses, the rims of which gave him some nice cuts under his eyes.  He didnt get much sympathy from the rest of the team as he was told he shouldve got out of the way!

  10. I haven't done much to anyone but myself but a girl that I know that has helped coach is 6'2" and she once spiked the ball and hit a girl in the face so hard  that it broke her nose. =o gives meaning to that taunt "wanna manicure to go with that facial?"

  11. I actually broke my opponet's finger when she was going up to block me!

  12. i broke my ankle and sprained my wrist at the same time

    a girl on my team dove into the bleachers and had to get 10 stiches in her head

  13. I'm usually the recipient of all the injuries. But, my first practice, with a new team, I pass the ball  -BAM! Connects right with another girls nose & she's got a bloody nose. And she was the one I hadn't met yet! Quite a way to introduce myself.

  14. thumbs all the time on bad setting. Sprint ankle is common injury too. How about twist your knee (ACL)? That can take you out for months with possible surgery. I also saw a guy dislocated his shoulder  when he was swinging.  Too many different kind of injury can happen during the game. RULE #1: Warm up throughly before the game!

  15. I've been the actual victim.  You know how people grow up with a basketball hoop in their backyards? Well we grew up with a volleyball net in ours.  Every weekend from like the late 70's to the mid 80's all our relatives would come to our house and we would play for hours.  

    I was in 8th grade at the time.  All I remember is someone setting the ball and I jumped up to spike it.  The net was low.  As I jumped, I ****** my right arm and hit the ball.  A split second after I hit it, my cousin hit my hand with his hand full force.  He had tried to spike the ball but I beat him to it.  He hit my right hand ring finger right at the tip and the force of the blow pushed it back and it snapped at the knuckle.  The bad thing is that my parents didn't think it was broken and they were right--it was fractured.  That happened on like a Sunday night.  I didn't go to the hospital until like Tuesday or Wednesday and by then it had swollen to twice it normal size and it was purple, if not black.  The fracture was right at the knuckle in a downward slant.  It was too swollen for a cast so it was placed in a splint.  I had it in a splint for about 2 months.

    My finger is slightly crooked from the knuckle up.  Like when the hand is slightly between 11 and 12 o'clock on a watch.   I have no real problems with it now. But I can't make a number 3 with my right hand. If I need to make a  3 with it, specially now that my kids are learning to add and subtract, I make the "OK" sign and signal the number 3.  

    It was a bad injury but that didn't deter me from continuing to play.  I began playing again and I continued to play all the way thru college. I've had other injuries but that was the worst.  

    The only injuries I've caused have been numerous broken egos.

  16. I didn't inflict this injury personally but I watched a spike hit a girl in the head and give her a mild concussion!  Seriously.  A friend of mine got bumped while going up for a block and came down on her shoulder sublexing it (partial dislocation).  I went up for a hit and when I came back down, I did so on someone else's foot and broke my ankle.  No pain - no glory!

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