
What's the worst murder you've ever heard of?

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What's the worst murder you've ever heard of?




  1. that city in Iraq the US razed to the ground with White Phosphorus mist.

  2. I don't know, all murders are pretty bad.

    King Edward the Second of England, was killed in 1327 by his jailers (having been deposed).  They held him down, shoved a metal pipe up his butt, then shoved a red hot poker up into his guts through the pipe.

    They say the screams could be heard for miles all around.

  3. Any one involving the murder of children. The little girl that was buried alive. The little girl who watched that monster kill all of her family, and molested her. Every murder involving kids is horrible.

  4. invasion of iraq and afghanistan  G w Bush loves to kill women and kids in the name of anti terrorism. bush spells that OIL

    but then all murders and murder's are bad. there are no good ones

  5. Twin Towers.

    Jack the riper.

  6. Spraying agent orange on our troops in vietnam and they got away with it.

  7. Tony Blair who's deliberate and calculated lies and deception killed (so far) five hundred thousand innocent men women and children. i don't recon there's any one who has ever murdered that many people and walked away from justice.

  8. They are all bad and unnecessary, but the worst is any murder involving a child.  

  9. French police exterminating jews during WW II.

  10. A story I read in a magazine about a young woman who was tied up by her ex boyfriend and his girlfriend and then tortured while she was alive.

    They put cigarettes out on her, slowly sliced her skin to remove her organs and then burnt her eyes out with hot pokers. The poor woman only died after bleeding to death and they had the cheek to cut her up and feed her to their children and themselves as a stew. The sick cannabals!

  11. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley (the Moors Murderers)

  12. All murders are awful, but Tony Blair and George W Bush are mass murderers and should be tried as such

  13. the sexual abuse and murders of thousands of native children by priests at residential schools - and the sheltering and protecting of those killers by their churches.

  14. All of them.  Have you ever heard of a good one?

  15. Hitler Mugabe Idie Armin take your pick

  16. Concentration camps in WWII.

    Buchenvald, Auschwitz, Tremblinka.

  17. I think any murder involving children is heinous...but Ivan Milat's (back packer murders) killing spree has to be the worst I've ever heard of.

  18. 8 month old her nude body was found with tool marks all over it What help convict the ''thing'' was they [marks] matched the tools in his work shop along with her skin and hair

    That was over 20 years ago and he was given death There were people who protested against it I was a young man and was sickened by them

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