
What's the worst pain you've ever been in?...random question...?

by Guest62506  |  earlier

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mine is when i got my fake tooth put in and they had to drive a s***w up my gums (the numbing c**p eventually wore off) owwww

what's yourssss?





  1. Having a far the worst pain I've ever felt!!

  2. My Fibromyalgia. It's constant pain.

  3. Four freezing needles into my large toe is tied with My Knees being driven into the dashboard of a car due to being rear ended twice in one week.

  4. labor....i hear kidney stone are pretty bad too

  5. I went in for a Tubligation,just 2 tiny slits they said,Well when I came out I was cut from one side of my stomach till the other side.and  then I allergic to my pain medication and then a few days later I Had to go to the Er because My bladder was full of urine like 1200 cc's worth and I had to get catheterized.I was sent home that way ! I was only supposed to be off work for a few days but it ended up being 2 weeks!

  6. Plain old period pains.

    or maybe a growing molar....

    Hmmm... can't remember now which hurt more...

  7. My worst was back pain,  when I slipped a disk moving the couch to vacuum.  Ouch!  That was horrible,  and I still get pain from time to time.

  8. well i think my pcos  ovary pains are the worst, they last about 2 weeks, and honestly i wish i was dead most times the pain is so bad.i am up all night biting my fingers and wrists to keep from screaming out. also i think they are worse than labour pains!

  9. I was sawing a log and the chainsaw kicked and cut half my foot off.  Great orthopedic surgeons reattached it and now i just cant move my little toe but the rest works.  

  10. Labor by far because there is nothing you can do about it , C-sections , shoulder surgery. OUCH !  

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