
What's the worst punishment you have ever gotten at school?

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Mine are:

Once I called a teacher fat because I was really angry hahaa, and I had to write 50 lines of "Mr X is not fat, he is just pleasantly plump" Hahaa

And on the very last day of primary school, I started a water fight and I got "suspended" for it, because I was the first person to throw it even though there were like 30 other kids involved! But, it was the last day of school so I wasnt bothered :)




  1. Um, well the only worst one is a detention, because I never get caught, lol. But at lunch in elementary school (years and years ago) (they also just started giving detentions in 5th grade) but anyway, me and my friend were sitting across from each other but he was father down the line at the luch table so we were having to pass it down from people to say what we wanted to say, but we were just kidding, and we were throwing cut-downs just kidding, and  told him to kiss my butt, and this kid taddled and ran back and told the teacher and I got a detention just for saying that, but atleast I'm older, it's over, and it's funny now. lol.

  2. the worst thing i did at school was when i was in grade 8 there was this girl she was a total b*tch and she thought i was messing around with her boyfriend. so she pushed me down and then i slapped her and punched her in the nose. Yeah i got suspened for two weeks.

  3. Most of my teachers love me i dunno

    cause they let me swear fight and get into water fights =D

    but then again some hate me so once i got to my class room late and the teahcer was like give me 20 pushups young sir

    and i say well while im at it why dont you go **** yourself.. stupid *****

    then i did the push ups =D

  4. tables during luch..??

  5. A nun hit me in the head with a text book for talking in class...gotta love Catholic school :)

  6. i played the fortune game that u make on paper...u know it?

    but anyways, i didn't make the game and it really had some nasty freaky stuff in it... i only played one try then said i didn't feel like it anymore.

    it was an all girl catholic skool and the whole skool was under punishment that day. So a teacher caught the girl who made the game and told her to pic out everyone who played.

    That b**** pointed me out along with others. We all got suspended... it was the 7th grade. I cried so much cuz i never got in that much trouble b4. i was so mad.

  7. I had to suffered Detention after getting late to school once on my senior year in high school i had 2 weeks of detention and if i never go to detention i will have gotten suspended.

  8. I had gotten into a fight with three guys and I WON so they gave me three tickets for each guy lol i had to pay 350 and 16 hours of community service.

  9. i said "i could just kill her" talking about a teacher and i decided to be homeschooled ha yah right its just i pretty much got expelled its just not on my record like that

  10. i was paddled in elementary school (3rd grade)

    and suspended for fighting when i didnt start it i just defended myself in middle school (i won)

  11. I try to stay out of trouble.  It's not worth it.

    But I have gotten yelled at for doing stupid things and almost got detention a few times (once for throwing a pen at my friend...and he wasn't even hurt! Plus, he didn't care...another time for forgeting a calculator for science, etc.).

    Most of my teachers liked me...hmm.

  12. On a school trip, we were staying in hotels. Me and my girl friends spent the night in a guys room and we had to do 20 hours of community service. But we didn't do anything in there.

  13. Lunch with the teacher. For doing good on a test.

    Trust me, it was a punishment!

  14. saying "im gonna blow up the school" got me almost expelled...

  15. i missed too many days and got expelled in 6th grade..

    missed 151 days in 7th grade and failed because of it, and had to go to court

    missed too many days in 8th grade and had to stay for full days on half days or i couldn't graduate.

  16. worst punishment at school was gettin expelled from my jr. high

  17. im a pretty good kid, but the worst was 3 days of detention for helping all of my friends(girls) beat up a

  18. 1 week of ISS for skippin class with a friend... yea I should have left the school premises if I was gonna do something dumb like that but I was younger then and thought I knew everything.. incidently she didn't even get punished (guess it helps to have mama working for the school system).

    I just remembered: if ONE person had to go to the bathroom, we ALL had to go... and walk in single file line like babies, EVERYWHERE. Keep in mind I was in the 12th GRADE!

  19. Probably calling some girl an inapropriate word, then she kicked me. I was scared to death that I'd get in trouble, but I didn't. Sadly, neither did she.

  20. most days at school feel like some sort of punishment

  21. a teacher went out of her way to get me into trouble. this is how stupid and vindictive she was-

    i wore a sleeveless shirt underneath an open button denim shirt. she asked me to open my shirt to see was underneath. she told me to take off my denim shirt, put it in my locker and then go to the principle's. i should have just shown up with what i was wearing so the principle could see that there was no problem at all.

    and then they called my mom who for some dumb reason drove all the way to my school to ***** me out. by that time i was so choked up cryin' she didn't believe that i didn't do anything wrong to begin with.

    what a freaking *******.

  22. Me the worst thing?  Hmmm, somthing called L.A.W.  Its like somthing fairly simple.  I forgot to finish my homework, so at lunch you go to this room and finish it when your eating...yea not that bad.

  23. hmmmm, oh, my teacher found a note about 's*x life'

    it was just a funny song.

    and she asked if it really happened. that was a punishment in itself. hahaha

    and then, i got 3 days of detention for drawing on the chalkboard, i wrote. "mr. C sucks."

    and then, there was an awkward silence so i screamed "A g*y BABY IS BORN!" and my teacher told me i was full of $hit. so one kid fell on the ground laughing and then we had to wipe off the lunch tables the next period.

    ahh yess good times, good times.

  24. Uhm, in 6th grade lunch time, last day of school. Everyone was planning a major food fight. the 6th ad 5th graders ate together, so the 5th graders would start it and everyone would join in. My friend threw some carrots at my head, and i threw a roll back at her. (luckil  my teachers were like blind) then my toher friend thrwe a milk at ths one boy, and he threw some noodles at this girl. Me and my friend who started it all had to et in the classroom for 4 days, but lol we caused some mischef in there dumb story i know

  25. In elementary school, I had to apologize to the boy who bit ME!  I didn't do anything to him.  His friend jumped on my back while he grabbed my arm and chomped down.

  26. jaja i thought dis was kinda funi-um in 6th grade me n sum frnds wernt hungry so we didnt go to lunch we jus styd in the bathroom in talked, beacuse like in da playground outside it was hella cold. n 1 of my frnds turnd off da litn we strtd screaming, n a techer came n we got ISCC n afterskul detention, n on da referall it said FOR DITCH LUNCH lol AND SCREAMING IN THE BATHROOM. lol it craked me up jaja

    not da worst lol but the funniest jaja

  27. I got detention for texting in my English class, but the guidance counselors couldn't stay after school so I came into my English teacher's room for lunch. I wrote a poem about how school was torturous and wrong and she ended up submitting it to a poetry contest!

    Not really bad, but funny nonetheless.

  28. I am not a bad girl.  :D

  29. I was late to class and I got detention..I'm a good kid. As many times as I've been to the office to solve a problem with other kids, I've never had anything worse than detention..Oh but once my science teacher threatned to send me to time out for doing my class work. Tme out  at our school is bad. You have to sit in a hot portable with Mrs.Theisis and be quiet. ITs the same as the detention room. And they call your parents if you get sent to time out.

    Notice how I said I WAS doing my work..My science teacher was a beeotch. She made me sit outside for asking my friend who sat next to me for her planner to copy the english homework. She was only taking attendance...she didn't assign any work either.

  30. i got my feet taped to the floor for sitting on them during class because the teacher was psycho

    and another time we have a pole that after lunch we would have to stay behind well the teachers never cared if you passed it and a bunch of people always did well the same nutty teacher one day told everyone who was past the pole to go to recess detention well i had to clean the tables that day so i came out late and was standing by the pole on like the concrete thing under it so i didnt go well the teacher fliped a nut and was like you were passed it and i was like i was standing on the concrete square if i was passed it i couldnt have been but 5 inches well she gave me 15 point for lying and gave someone who past the pole who admitted to it and didnt go to recess detention a 5 point it was so stupid why would i admit to something i didnt do

  31. Lunch detention. All I did was throw a tater tot at a kid! It didn't even hit him! He's the one that was saying all those yo mama jokes at me. grr....

    That's the only punishment I've ever got. I don't do bad things. 0 : )

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