
What's the worst thing to say at a funeral?

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  1. "Are you having fun?"


  2. "She must be happy she's dead, her nipples are hard."

  3. Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."

    They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

  4. "Sooooo, whos this guy anyways?"

  5. "i apologize" sounds like you killed the person haha.

    ..that came out creepy. sorry. haha. :)

  6. Ding dong the witch is dead

  7. Whats that smell!!!  

  8. "it was her time to go"

  9. "GONE AT LAST! GONE AT LAST! Thank god there gone at last!"  I was drunk.

  10. When a person goes to the funeral of someone they didn't really know, but they are obligated to attend (the person is related to their spouse or something), and they say how wonderful the person was and how much they will be missed...

    That's all and good, but that happened once at a funeral for a friend's estraned sister...she was an abusive, hateful person whom everyone avoided, and the people who were at the funeral were only there because of embarrassing for the person who said how wonderful the estranged sister was...sometimes it's better to say nothing.

  11. "Wow, what a lovely reception!"

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