
What's the worst thing with which you've been trapped in a room?

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What's the worst thing with which you've been trapped in a room?




  1. A drunk and creepy dental patient that I had to work on for the Dr.he kept putting his hand on my leg. Could not wait to put his temp filling in and get out of there. xx Sugar bug

  2. you have so much things to ask, but i have nothing better to do..hehe..umm the worst thing for me was when the light is out n i got stuck in a dark room by myself cause my bro accidently locked the room hehe..aniwaise yea it was scary with the thought of bloody mirror, the grudge, the eye..n hella creepy stuffffffff.

  3. My brother

  4. Before the days of cellphones, I was trapped in a minivan with four screaming toddlers...two of my own and two of a neighbor's... my minivan broke down and I was on a busy highway in the middle of make matters worse, I had to go to the bathroom and was in a one piece jumpsuit that buttoned up the front.... it was a little taste of h**l. LOL

    Then there was the time I was trapped in the morgue at the hospital at which I went to school...I told myself its not the dead I had to worry about, but the living...The stench was horrible...imagine a vat of p**s that had been set in the sun for about a week, combined with all the odors of excrement that are associated with dying (the sphinters relax). Ewwwwww.

  5. `Being at shool working with this boy who has a BIGGGG crush on me >> eww i dont like him >. good thing i had gum because his breath was outta controll

  6. A toddler on a sugar high...

  7. Darkness. LOL ;)

    I've been trained not to be afraid of anything...

    And now I've said too much. :)

  8. About ten years ago:  An angry teenage girl with developmental disabilities, throwing whatever she could get her hands on in my direction:  bottles, plates, a television, and other stuff.

  9. Me and my friend used to trap each other in this tiny room and spray copious amounts of deodorant to see who could last the longest while our parents were out....

    We had no idea it was harmful, let alone possibly fatal... That's probably where all those lost brain cells went ;)


  10. Turned in the tool shed to come eye to eye with a skunk -

    wasn't sure if I should hold absolutely still, or run like a mad woman.

    It only took me a split second to decide. Mad woman guise it was!

  11. minivan with 2 screaming babies.  Just until we got home!

  12. My drunk ex husband?

  13. An angry beaver.  Whoo...that was scary.

  14. About twenty or so music stands, but it was a closet not a room and my friend locked me in(in the dark no less!).

  15. I was trapped in a farm shed once with 4 dead cows!

  16. Several four year olds that decided to tip a table on top of me b/c I was "the evil monster" lol.

  17. A huge 400lbs fat lady that stunk to high heaven, who thought she was the most s**y thing on the face of the earth. Telling me all about her love life. eeks help me out of this............

  18. Oh!!!  I know, I know!!!  My ex, just a little bit ago, it wasn't very pretty, he got served with the divorce papers the other day.

  19. My husband's ex-wife when we moving his stuff to a new place and she saw me for the first time!  She had her two boyfriends during their marriage and was shocked to learn that I was a real person.   Her two boyfriends dumped her as soon as the ink dried on her divorce papers and we will be celebrating our 21st anniversary this June.

  20. Okay im going to start off by saying i am deathly afraid of the dark seeing how i am a deathphobe. My brother thought it would be funny to lock me in this big dog crate that we had stored in my parents closet so not only did he lock me in there but he shut the closet door so it was pitch black and my parents werent home i went into shock at first and then my brain went crazy thinking of all the ways i could die so i started screaming and kicking and like some minutes later my parents came and let me out. I was more or less tramatized and i cant be in tight closed spaces.

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