
What's the worst thing you've ever done or called a teacher?

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What grade where you in?

Do you think you were wrong or right?

What was your punishment?

Do you regret it?




  1. i was in the 6th grade me and a group of friends sprayed perfume all over us and went into her class, by the way she was allergic, she kicked everyone of us out of her class. it was really wrong of me to do that.

  2. I REALLY wish I that there was a terrible story that I could tell about my misbehaving in school. There are many teachers who rubbed me the wrong way... or just flat out humiliated me in front of the whole class. I always just keep my mouth shut and keep all the mean things that I had to say in my head.

    ...... Wow, I reallllllly hated some of those teachers.

    I do have a couple stories about other people I know. I think they are pretty funny lol!

    1. My friend's, brother's, friend was pretty funny! He has manyyyyy stories but I'll just tell one. When a teacher gave him back a bad paper... and he got in trouble  with the teacher, he stood up in front of everyone and said, " IT'S BECAUSE I'M JEWISH ISN'T IT?!?" LOL! He doesn't regret it AT ALL! This was like the funniest thing EVER!

    2. My friend's aunt (lets call her Big-Mouth Bertha haha) went to the same school as us when she was younger. There is this one teacher that everyoneeee talks about. People know this teacher is a L*****n and she is also very... manly. She is also known as the meanest, toughest teacher in school. So Big-Mouth Bertha was in a lot of trouble for something and she just shouted out and called her a 'fat d*ke'!!!!! Her dad was called into school and he completely backed up Big-Mouth Bertha and said, "Well, I don't think she should get in trouble for telling the truth!" haha! I don't think Big-Mouth regrets saying this. But I feel bad for the teacher! She was actually pretty nice, I thought!

    EDIT: I JUST REMEMBERED THE FUNNIEST STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In eighth grade, there was this AWEFUL social studies teacher. She would yell at me all the time for no reason! And she wouldn't even care when the boys in my class were going crazy! They would scream and sing at the top of their lungs and even throw around desks!

    So... one day my teacher was being especially mean, and I kept my mouth shut the whole class. At the end of class I was walking out the door and talking to my friend and said, "Wow... Mrs. "Teachers Name" is totally PMSing 24/7!" My friend started to act weird and then started cracking up and ran away! I was like OH CRA* ( I said this in my head and not out loud lol!) I slowly turned around and she was standing right there staring at me! I didn't say anything and just walked away verrrrrry quickly! LOL! Neither of us said anything about it and I do not regret it! At least she knew how I felt and I got to have a good laugh about it with my friends after.

  3. i told my teacher to f*** off and a definatly regret it

  4. ha ha ha ha ha OMG i was a little h**l raiser at school

    got kicked out of privet school by 12 for not doing anything (literally - i would just sit there and laugh if the teacher asked me anything ) lol

    well when i was 13 i asked a teacher if she was a tranny - like a hundred times lol i was suspended after a while

    i asked a teacher if he was a pedo

    i told one he was a fat disgusting excuse for a human being

    i asked one once if it hurt to be a failed academic

    one day i said to one i used to call 'shovel face' - ' your very unatractive arnt you'- she just laughed and walked away

    these are just the ones i remember i must have said so much more, i was suspended like at least 15 times before i was 16 .  then i went to 6th form and smartened up *cough* *cough*

    i also slept with this hot teacher when i was like 16 ha ha ha he was great in bed

    good times

    can you believe i got accepted to 4 universities ? i know right lol  anyway the fact of the matter is when i hit 16 i had to seriously smarten up or i would have had no future, except with the s**y sub statute teacher - but that was totally diffrent

    anyway i probably got thru school on luck more than anything and i would never recomend following my example.

  5. in 7th grade me and my friend kara were always REALLY mean to our science and math teacher! he waz SOOO stupid! one day, not only did i have the flu (and didn't know it yet), waz on my period and had already had a REALLY bad day, but he totally freaked out on me! we were correcting our tests in class (which is stupid cuz most kidz change the ones they had wrong to the rite answer) and i studyed really hard for it so i waz excited for the ones that i got right. i didn't think it waz that big of a deal but i just put little stars next to the ones i got right. when he came by and saw that he gave me this HUGE lecture about how thats just wasteing ink (the stars weren't even that big) and making it harder for him to see which ones we got wrong! i waz soooooo pissed that i didn't even care! he told me to go out in the hallway until we were done correcting so i did. as soon as he came out i threw my test at him and said s***w u! then i ran to the office to call my mom to come pick me up cuz i felt so sick! the next day i got in trouble for it but to this day he doesn't act stupid around me anymore! =D

    i TOTALLY don't regret it!

  6. We were in gym class, running around the school. I cut through the woods with some other kids. I always obeyed the teacher but I thought, "Why does everyone else get away wioth so much?" And I was just so angry that I did it. Well, he found out anyway, but the punishment was doing some extra running. It wasn't at all bad. Afterwards I was the only kid who personally apologized to him, and he said that's why I was such a great kid: because I apologized. And I don't regret it.

  7. ha ok so i was in 8th grade and we had this student history teacher and everyone hated her

    im a really good student and all my teachers like me but i didnt like this student teacher and i showed it so she knew i didnt like her and she didnt like me so she would always give us work and i wouldnt do it, she asked me to do something in class and i wouldnt pay attention to her then she would come to my desk and look at me so i looked at her and role my eyes

    she then said something i dont know what i didnt listen to her but at the end of class(this was the last day she would be there) she was at the door as we left and she was giving students hugs so when i came up she tried to give me a hug and i said 'b*tch dont touch me and shoved her with my shoulder to get out of the door

    she was so suprised i did this and she had some stupid expression on her face and she didn't say a word to any of the students that were after me(which they were happy about)

    it was so funny and i have never done anything like that so it was great and all my friends totally loved me for it

    i didnt get in trouble because it was her last day and my normal teacher didnt see me do anything(and she really liked me so i dont think she cared because that student teacher was a total b*tch)

    i totally dont regret it

  8. i called my band teacher a prostitute and got kicked out of band and wrote up. i dont regret it though...i was in the sixth grade.


  9. I was always really well behaved for some reason.

    My mate chucked a chair at a teacher, and got kicked out of school. I find it highly unfair though, since he's autistic.

  10. I droped the "F" Bomb right in front of the teached lol i dont regret it though. I also went to the office to call my daddy to tell on a teacher lol. i got suspended for it lol I HATE THAT g*y f*g OF A TEACHER

  11. I called my science teacher a beeotch for sending me outside for doing my class work. I was in 7th grade. I think I was right. She didn't hear me...Nope. I don't regret it. She is a beeotch. She talks about her s*x life with her class.

  12. I was talking about a teacher to my friend David, and she walked into the classroom where we two where staying after. I started to laugh, because i was guilty, and she asked me what was funny. i said "Nothin," and she asked again. Then i blurted out the truth "I said that she was mean." And she got this sour look on her face and she said  "good, that means i'm a good teacher", and even though she acts like she isn't mad at me she acts all mean towards me over the stupidist things.

    But once my sister tryed to get her Spanish teacher fired by having a lot of students sign a petion. She got called down to the office for that one.

  13. i was in 5th grade and i told my teacher a whole bunch of c**p behind her back  then one day a goody 2 shoes gurl named sarah went and told her that i called her a ****** w***e whos a prostitute over night and then i got sitation but i don't regret it shes waz   just a crazy a$$ ***** who hates all types of races except whites!!!

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