
What's the worst thing you've ever done while driving?

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We all know we aren't supposed to eat, use the cellphone, etc while driving, but people do it anyway. And I've heard stories about people doing even worse things, like reading, texting, watching DVDs, etc. So, just out of curiosity... what's the most dangerous, distracting thing YOU'VE ever done while driving? :)




  1. Drove from Maine to Boston with no mirrors at all, never again.

  2. I ran over a curb the other day, in front of like 50 cars.  I felt like a moron too.  

    It wasn't my fault,  *I* had the right a way!

  3. had s*x while i was driving down the road....but we did it on a back road but i was still driving

  4. Trying to see if I could make it to Houston a day earlier and save a motel bill.

    I drove for 24 hours, stopping only for gas and meals. I was constantly fighting to stay awake. At one point I ended up hallucinating (stopped to wait for a train, and there weren't even any tracks). It's a miracle I made it without killing myself or someone else.

    What did I accomplish? Absolutely nothing. I spent the whole day I saved sleeping.

    It was stupid - no other word for it. But I learned from it. I have never attempted anything so foolish since, and never will again.

  5. when I was in college, I could drive while simultaneously smoking a cigarette, rolling a joint and eating a hamburger.  no cell phones in those days.

  6. smoked weeeeeeed XD

  7. I don't know what the problem is with cellphones, eating or anything while driving.  I think the worst thing a driver can do is cause an accident while driving.  Especially one that can seriously injury or kill innocent people.  I've driven on the expressway talking on a cellphone and eating at the same time and had to stop and pay a toll at the same time without a problem with my driving.  It's amazing what you can do when you can focus and why do you believe we aren't supposed to eat , etc, while driving?

  8. haha! wow ummmm i think the worst thing would be when i was driving and i droped the cd i was going to put in so i was looking for it and almost hit the guy infront of me BUT DIDNT!!! plus i was only going like 5 mph(we were stuck in traffic =/ ). but yea if it wasnt for my girl who screamed at me i would have hit em.

  9. I had s*x while driving in Mexico.

  10. Put eye liner on. The worst thing was that the pencil was down to the wood scraping my eye. Boy, does that make your eyes water like crazy!!!!!!!

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